

br      = branch
co      = checkout
coa     = commit --amend --no-edit
pl      = !git --no-pager log --color --graph --pretty=tformat:'%C(red)%h%C(reset) -%C(yellow)%d%C(reset) %s %C(green)(%cr) %C(blue)<%an>%C(reset)' --abbrev-commit --date=relative --max-count=3
pls     = log --color --graph --pretty=tformat:'%C(red)%h%C(reset) -%C(yellow)%d%C(reset) %s %C(green)(%cr)%C(reset) %C(blue)<%an>%C(reset)' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
fpl     = log --color --graph --pretty=tformat:'%C(red)%H%C(reset) -%C(yellow)%d%C(reset) %s %C(green)(%cr)%C(reset) %C(blue)<%an>%C(reset)' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
fl      = log -p --graph --color --graph
rlog    = "!bash -c 'while read branch; do \n\
             git fetch --all --force; \n\
             git pl remotes/origin/$branch; \n\
           done < <(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) '"

  • commit exclusions

    • ^<rev> (caret) notation : To exclude commits reachable from a commit, a prefix ^ notation is used. E.g. ^r1 r2 means commits reachable from r2 but exclude the ones reachable from r1 (i.e. r1 and its ancestors)

  • dotted range notations

    • .. (two-dot) range notation

      • r1..r2 : commits that are reachable from r2 excluding those that are reachable from r1 by ^r1 r2

    • ... (three-dot) symmetric difference notation

      • r1...r2 : called symmetric difference of r1 and r2 It is the set of commits that are reachable from either one of r1 (left side) or r2 (right side) but not from both


get revision number

[!TIP|label:the <value> can be:]

  • commit id

  • branch name

  • HEAD, HEAD~n, HEAD^^

$ git rev-parse <value>^{commit}

# i.e.:
$ git rev-parse HEAD

get abbrev commit ids


  • rev-list

    $ git rev-list HEAD -n 3 --abbrev=11 --abbrev-commit
    # or via `git log`
    $ git log -n 3 --format='%h' --abbrev=11
    # or
    $ git log -3 --format='%h' --abbrev=11
  • rev-parse

    $ git rev-parse --short HEAD
    # or
    $ git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD
    # i.e.:
    $ git rev-parse --short HEAD
    $ git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD

get previous commit id

$ git rev-list --no-walk <commit-id>^

get next commit id

[!NOTE] references:

$ git rev-list --no-walk <commmit-id>..HEAD | tail -1


  • full branch name

    $ git symbolic-ref HEAD
    # [or](
    $ git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name HEAD
  • branch name

    $ git branch --show-current
    # or
    $ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
    # or
    $ git symbolic-ref --short HEAD
    # or
    $ git symbolic-ref --quiet --short HEAD || git rev-parse --short
    # or
    $ git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed -e "s/^refs\/heads\///"
    # [or](
    $ git name-rev --name-only HEAD

$ git st
HEAD detached at d4beb6ac

$ git branch --no-color \
             --remote \
             --verbose \
             --no-abbrev \
             --contains |
      sed -rne 's:^[^/]*/([^\ ]+).*$:\1:p'

# or
$ git branch --no-color \
             --remote \
             --verbose \
             --no-abbrev \
             --contains |
      sed -rne 's:^[ \s]*origin/([^\ ]+).*$:\1:p'
  • or

    $ git name-rev --name-only HEAD |
          sed -rne 's:^[ \s]*([^\]+/){2}([^~]+).*$:\2:p'
    # or
    $ git name-rev --name-only HEAD |
          sed -rne 's:^[ \s]*remotes/origin/([^~]+).*$:\1:p'

create empty branch

  • create an empty branch

    $ mkdir <MY_FOLDER> && cd $_
    $ git init
    $ git remote add origin <REMOTE_URL>
    $ git fetch --all --progress --force
    $ git checkout -b <BRANCH_NAME>
  • push to remote

    $ git add --all .
    $ git commit -m 'inital an empty branch'
    $ git push --force -u origin HEAD:<BRANCH_NAME>
  • git alias .gitalias :

    init-repo   = "!f() { \
                          declare help=\"\"\"\
                            USAGE: git init-repo <REMOTE_URL> [DEFAULT_BRANCH] [LOCAL_DIR] \n\
                            OPT: \n\
                                REMOTE_URL: mandatory \n\
                                DEFAULT_BRANCH: optinal. default is 'master' \n\
                                LOCAL_DIR: optional. default is current directory: '\"$(pwd)\"' \n\
                          \"\"\"; \
                          declare remoteURL=\"$1\"; \
                          declare defaultBr='master'; \
                          declare localDir='.'; \
                          [ 2 -le $# ] && defaultBr=\"$2\"; \
                          [ 3 -eq $# ] && localDir=\"$3\"; \
                          if [ 0 -eq $# ] || [ 3 -lt $# ]; then \
                            echo \"${help}\"; \
                          else \
                            [ -d ${localDir} ] || mkdir -p ${localDir}; \
                            cd ${localDir} ; \
                            git init && \
                            git remote add origin ${remoteURL} && \
                            git fetch --all --force --quiet && \
                            git checkout -b ${defaultBr}; \
                          fi \
                        }; f \

get branch name from reversion

  • branch -a --contians

    $ git branch -a --contains a3879d3
    * master
    # or
    $ git branch -r --contains a3879d3
  • name-rev

    $ git name-rev a3879d3
    a3879d3 master~12

get upstream branch

  • get current

    $ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}
    # or
    $ git for-each-ref --format='%(upstream)' $(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD)
    # or for `meta/config`
    $ git symbolic-ref -q HEAD
    $ git for-each-ref --format='%(upstream)' $(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD)
    $ git for-each-ref --format='%(upstream:short)' $(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD)
    # [or](
    $ git status -bsuno
    ## master...origin/master
  • get specific

    $ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref gh-pages@{upstream}
    # or
    $ git for-each-ref --format='%(upstream:short)' $(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name meta/config)

  • local

    $ git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads/
  • remote

    $ git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/remotes/origin/


$ git config --global branch.sort -committerdate
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/

# or using git branch (since version 2.7.0)
$ git branch --sort=-committerdate  # DESC
$ git branch --sort=committerdate   # ASC
  • advanced usage

    $ git for-each-ref \
          --sort=-committerdate \
          refs/heads/ \
          --format='%(HEAD) %(color:yellow)%(refname:short)%(color:reset) - %(color:red)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset) - %(contents:subject) - %(authorname) (%(color:green)%(committerdate:relative)%(color:reset))'
  • for remote

    $ git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/remotes
  • more on git tips

    git-list-branches-by-date() {
      local current_branch=$(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --abbrev-ref HEAD)
      local normal_text=$(echo -ne '\E[0m')
      local yellow_text=$(echo -ne '\E[0;33m')
      local yellow_bg=$(echo -ne '\E[7;33m')
      git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate \
          --format=$'  %(refname:short)  \
              \t%(committerdate:short)\t%(authorname)\t%(objectname:short)' \
              refs/heads \
          | column -t -s $'\t' -n \
          | sed -E "s:^  (${current_branch}) :* ${yellow_bg}\1${normal_text} :" \
          | sed -E "s:^  ([^ ]+):  ${yellow_text}\1${normal_text}:"


  sb          = "! git branch --sort=-committerdate --format='%(HEAD) %(color:red)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset) - %(color:yellow)%(refname:short)%(color:reset) - %(subject) %(color:bold green)(%(committerdate:relative))%(color:reset) %(color:blue)<%(authorname)>%(color:reset)' --color=always"
  recent      = "! f() { \
                        declare help=\"USAGE: git recent [remotes|tags] [count]\"; \
                        declare refs; \
                        declare count; \
                        if [ 2 -lt $# ]; then \
                          echo \"${help}\"; \
                          exit 1; \
                        else \
                          if [ 'remotes' = \"$1\" ]; then \
                            refs='refs/remotes/origin'; \
                          elif [ 'tags' = \"$1\" ]; then \
                            refs='refs/tags'; \
                          elif [ 1 -eq $# ]; then \
                            count=$1; \
                          fi; \
                          if [ 2 -eq $# ]; then \
                            count=$2; \
                          fi; \
                        fi; \
                        git for-each-ref \
                            --sort=-committerdate \
                            ${refs:='refs/heads'} \
                            --format='%(HEAD) %(color:yellow)%(refname:short)%(color:reset) - %(color:red)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset) - %(contents:subject) - %(authorname) %(color:green)(%(committerdate:relative))%(color:reset)' \
                            --color=always \
                            --count=${count:=5}; \
                    }; f \


  • check refs

    $ git status
    warning: ignoring broken ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD
    $ git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD
  • fix warning

    $ git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD refs/remotes/origin/new_master
    # or
    $ git remote set-head origin --delete
    $ git remote set-head origin --auto
    # or
    $ git fetch --all --force
    $ git remote set-head origin refs/remotes/origin/new_master

get first parent branch



lightweight VS. annotated

  • show tags details

    #                                          + - commit: lightweight tag
    #                                          + - tag: annotated tag
    #                                          |
    #                                       +-----+
    $ git for-each-ref refs/tags
    902fa933e4a9d018574cbb7b5783a130338b47b8 commit refs/tags/v1.0-light
    1f486472ccac3250c19235d843d196a3a7fbd78b tag    refs/tags/v1.1-annot
    fd3cf147ac6b0bb9da13ae2fb2b73122b919a036 commit refs/tags/v1.2-light
  • show tag type via git cat-file -t

    # lightweight
    $ git cat-file -t v1.0-light
    # annotated
    $ git cat-file -t v1.1-annot
  • or

    $ git show-ref -d --tags       |
      cut -b 42-                   | # to remove the commit-id
      sort                         |
      sed 's/\^{}//'               | # remove ^{} markings
      uniq -c                      | # count identical lines
      sed 's/2\ refs\/tags\// a /' | # 2 identicals = annotated
      sed 's/1\ refs\/tags\//lw /'


list ignored


  • status

    $ git status --ignored
    On branch master
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
    Ignored files:
      (use "git add -f <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
    nothing to commit, working tree clean
    # short status
    $ git status --ignored --short
    !! bin/
    $ git status --porcelain --ignored
    !! bin/
    $ git st --ignored --untracked-files=all
    ## master...origin/master
    !! bin/cfssl
    !! bin/cfssl-bundle
    !! bin/cfssl-certinfo
    !! bin/cfssl-newkey
    !! bin/cfssl-scan
    !! bin/cfssljson
    !! bin/mkbundle
    !! bin/multirootca
  • check-ignore

    $ git check-ignore *
    $ git check-ignore -v *
    .gitignore:4:bin  bin
    $ git check-ignore -v $(find . -type f -print)
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin/cfssl-scan
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin/cfssl-certinfo
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin/cfssl-bundle
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin/cfssl
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin/cfssl-newkey
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin/multirootca
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin/mkbundle
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin/cfssljso
    $ find . -not -path './.git/*' | git check-ignore --stdin
    $ find . -path ./.git -prune -o -print | git check-ignore --no-index --stdin --verbose
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin/cfssl-scan
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin/cfssl-certinfo
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin/cfssl-bundle
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin/cfssl
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin/cfssl-newkey
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin/multirootca
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin/mkbundle
    .gitignore:4:bin  ./bin/cfssljson
  • ls-files

    $ git ls-files --others --ignored --exclude-standard
    # or
    $ git ls-files -o -i --exclude-standard
    # or list only directories
    $ git ls-files --others --ignored --exclude-standard --directory
    # or from `.gitignore` file
    $ git ls-files --ignored --others --exclude-from=.gitignore
  • clean

    $ git clean -ndX
    Would remove bin/


short stat

$ git log --show-signature

# or
$ git log --shortstat

show renamed status

$ git log -M --summary | grep rename

# or
$ git log -M --summary | grep -E '^\s*rename.*{.*=>.*}'

show files and status without comments

$ git log --color --stat --abbrev-commit --date=relative --graph --submodule --format="%H"
  • more

    # or
    $ git log --color --stat --abbrev-commit --date=relative --graph --submodule --format="%h %ad- %s [%an]"
    # or
    $ git log --color --stat --abbrev-commit --date=relative --graph --submodule --format='%C(red)%h%Creset %C(yellow)(%ad)%Creset %s %C(blue)<%an>%Creset'
  • e.g.:

    $ git log -3 --color --stat --abbrev-commit --date=relative --graph --submodule --format="%H"
    * 50ede51fcc3cf0311fd85b3e9c4a36d4beb89e69
    |  devops/git/ | 6 ++++--
    |  devops/git/    | 5 +++++
    |  2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
    * 41d58dabcd0aaee33edd1de7793ffd82c7cffa89
    | | 2 +-
    |  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
    * 4460a32d8fddbe7c5c434947aea153273ce215d4
    |  devops/git/{ =>} | 117 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
    |  1 file changed, 116 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

show submodule changes

$ git submodule status
$ git log -- <submodule name>

get change from .git/objects

$ find .git/objects -type f -printf "%P\n" | sed s,/,,

get change history for deleted files

  • full-history

    $ git log --all --full-history -- <path/to/file>
    • or

      $ git log --all --full-history --oneline -- <path/to/file>
    • or

      $ git log --oneline --follow -- <path/to/file>
    • or

      $ git log --diff-filter=D --summary | find "delete" | grep <filename>
  • --follow

    $ git log --follow <path/to/file>

$ git log -S'add' --oneline  -3
6f7877c2 update git for fetch more refs after cloned via --single-branch, and add tricky for vim
30ce195e add jenkins plugin jira-steps
913a7f29 update jenkins recommended plugins
  • or

    # -p, --paginate
    #     Pipe all output into less (or if set, $PAGER) if standard output is a terminal. This overrides the
    #     pager.<cmd> configuration options (see the "Configuration Mechanism" section below)
    $ git pls -S'add' -p

$ git log --grep='jira' --oneline
30ce195e add jenkins plugin jira-steps
d17dd3aa add jira api
  • or

    $ git pls --grep='jira'



automatic edit by git rebase -i

inspired from .gitconfig & Is there a way to squash a number of commits non-interactively?

$ COUNT=$1
$ GIT_EDITOR="sed -i -e '2,$COUNT s/^pick /s /;/# This is the 2nd commit message:/d'" git rebase -i HEAD~$COUNT

git alias

  sq = ! "f() { TARGET=$1 && GIT_EDITOR=\"sed -i -e '2,$TARGET s/^pick /s /;/# This is the 2nd commit message:/,$ {d}'\" git rebase -i HEAD~$TARGET; }; f"
  • or

    $ GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="sed -i 's/^pick ce5efdb /edit ce5efdb /;/^pick ce6efdb /d'" git rebase -i ${SHA}
  • or edit

    $ GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="sed -i -re 's/^pick 134567/e 1234567/'" git rebase -i 1234567^
  • or sequence.editor

    $ git -c sequence.editor='sed -i s/pick/reword/' rebase -i ${SHA}

  • .gitconfig

      arebase = ! ~/.marslo/bin/
  • ~/.marslo/bin/

    COMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short $2)
    [[ "$COMMIT" ]] || exit 1
    for A in p pick r reword e edit s squash f fixup d drop t split; do
       [[ $ACTION == $A ]] && CORRECT=1
    [[ "$CORRECT" ]] || exit 1
    git merge-base --is-ancestor $COMMIT HEAD || exit 1
    if [[ $ACTION == "drop" || $ACTION == "d" ]]; then
      GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="sed -i -e '/^pick $COMMIT/d'" git rebase -i $COMMIT^^
    elif [[ $ACTION == "split" || $ACTION == "t" ]]; then
      GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="sed -i -e 's/^pick $COMMIT/edit $COMMIT/'" git rebase -i $COMMIT^^ || exit 1
      git reset --soft HEAD^
      echo "Hints:"
      echo "  Select files to be commited using 'git reset', 'git add' or 'git add -p'"
      echo "  Commit using 'git commit -c $COMMIT'"
      echo "  Finish with 'git rebase --continue'"
      GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="sed -i -e 's/^pick $COMMIT/$1 $COMMIT/'" git rebase -i $COMMIT^^

$ EDITOR="sed -i -e 's/borken/broken/g'" GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="sed -i -e 's/pick/reword/g'" git rebase -i --root


$ VISUAL="sed -i -e '/^[[:blank:]]*Change-Id/ d'" GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="sed -i -e 's/pick/reword/g'" git rebase -i --root


$ GIT_EDITOR="sed -i -e 's/kyewrod/keyword/g'" GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="sed -i -e 's/pick/reword/g'" git rebase -i --root


delete only the latest commit

$ git push origin +<hash_for_delete>^:<branch>

# e.g.:
$ git pl --pretty=format:"%h" --no-patch
* cb46bdc
* 936543c
* a83ac6b

# delete cb46bdc
$ git push origin +cb46bdc^:master

delete multiple commits

  • revert local

    $ git reset --hard HEAD~
    # or
    $ git reset --hard HEAD^^^
    # or
    $ git reset --hard <commit_hash>
    # or
    $ git rebase -i HEAD~<n>
  • push to remote

    $ git push [--force] origin +<branch>
    # e.g.:
    $ git push [--force] origin +master

revert deleted branches

[!TIP] references:

# find the HEAD of deleted branch
$ git log --graph --decorate $(git rev-list -g --all)

$ git checkout <sha>
$ git checkout -b /branch/name
  • or find out recent actions

    $ git reflog --no-abbrev
  • or find all losts

    $ git fsck --full \
               --no-reflogs \
               --unreachable \
               --lost-found |
          grep commit |
          cut -d\  -f3 |
          xargs -n 1 git log -n 1 --pretty=oneline
  • show diff

    $ git log -p <sha>

revert single file to remotes

$ git checkout origin/<branch> -- <path/to/file>

revert changes in submodule

$ git submodule update -f --init
  • or

    $ git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard
  • or

    $ git submodule update -f --recursive
  • or

    $ git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard
    $ git submodule update --recursive --init

CommandScopeCommon use cases

git reset


Discard commits in a private branch or throw away uncommited changes

git reset


Unstage a file

git checkout


Switch between branches or inspect old snapshots

git checkout


Discard changes in the working directory

git revert


Undo commits in a public branch

git revert



  • git reset via git reflog

  • git reset --hard

  • git reset --soft

  • git revert

change latest comments in local

$ git commit --amend
  • change comments in remote

    $ git pl
    * a79d384 - (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) update (11 seconds ago) <marslo>
    * 7cef7c7 - update (7 hours ago) <marslo>
    * e1d7a64 - update (7 hours ago) <marslo>
    # change comments on a79d384
    $ git commit --amend
    $ git push --force-with-lease origin master
    # result
    $ git fetch --all --force
    $ git pl remotes/origin/master
    Fetching origin
    * ba49259 - (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) update a79d384 for change comments (24 seconds ago) <marslo>
    * 7cef7c7 - update (7 hours ago) <marslo>
    * e1d7a64 - update (7 hours ago) <marslo>

change remote comments

$ git rebase -i HEAD~<n>

And then change pick to reword

  • example

    $ git pls
    * 1e7d979 - (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) f (24 seconds ago) <marslo>
    * 9b89ed7 - c (40 seconds ago) <marslo>
    * beb575f - d (51 seconds ago) <marslo>
    * 25d010d - e (57 seconds ago) <marslo>
    * c502e34 - b (64 seconds ago) <marslo>
    * 8890288 - init commit (4 minutes ago) <Marslo Jiao>
    $ git rebase -i HEAD~5
    reword c502e34 b
    pick 25d010d e
    pick beb575f d
    reword 9b89ed7 c
    pick 1e7d979 f
    $ git push --force origin master
    # or
    $ git push origin +master

change root comments

$ git rebase -i --root
$ git push origin +<branch>

change author and committer

  • rebase and amend

    • go to interactive mode

      $ git config --local "name"
      $ git config --local ""
      $ git rebase -i <sha>
    • modify pick to edit

    • amend one by one

      $ git commit --amend --no-edit --only --author="name<>"
      # or
      $ git commit --amend --no-edit --date="$(git log -n 1 --format=%aD)" --reset-author
      $ git rebase --continue
  • rebase --onto

    [!TIP] see also

        reauthor = !bash -c 'git rebase --onto $1 --exec \"git commit --amend --author=$2\" $1' --
    $ git config --local "name"
    $ git config --local "<>"
    $ git rebase --no-edit \
                 --onto HEAD~9 \
                 --exec 'GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git log -n 1 --format=%aD)" \
                         git commit --amend \
                                    --date="$(git log -n 1 --format=%aD)"' \
                                    --author="name<>" \           # or --reset-author
  • amend all commits with original commitDate and authorDate


    $ git -c rebase.instructionFormat='%s%nexec GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="%cD" GIT_AUTHOR_DATE="%aD" git commit --amend --no-edit --author 'marslo <>' rebase

check commits with author

# get commits by name
$ git log --oneline --author="name"

# get commits by email
$ git log --oneline --author="<>"


case sensitive

  • error with regular git mv

    $ git config --global core.ignorecase true
    $ git mv Tig tig
    fatal: renaming 'confs/home/Tig' failed: Invalid argument
  • renmae

    $ git mv Tig temp
    $ git aa
    $ git mv temp tig
    $ git aa
    $ git st
    On branch master
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
    Changes to be committed:
      (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
        renamed:    Tig/.tig/marslo.tigrc -> tig/.tig/marslo.tigrc
        renamed:    Tig/.tigrc -> tig/.tigrc
        renamed:    Tig/.tigrc_latest -> tig/.tigrc_latest
        renamed:    Tig/tigrc_2.4.1_1_example -> tig/tigrc_2.4.1_1_example
        renamed:    Tig/tigrc_Marslo -> tig/tigrc_Marslo


clean untracked directory and item in .gitignore

$ git clean -dfx
  • quick generate .gitignore

    # show result
    $ curl -skL
    # download
    $ curl -skL,java,python,go -o .gitignore

using -f twice if you really want to remove such a directory

$ git st
On branch meta/config
Your branch is based on 'origin/meta/config', but the upstream is gone.
  (use "git branch --unset-upstream" to fixup)

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

$ git clean -dfx
Skipping repository my-submodule/

$ git clean -dffx
Removing my-submodule/



[!NOTE] references:

# centos8
$ rpm -ql git | grep diff-highlight
# or ubuntu
$ dpkg -L git | grep diff-highlight

$ sudo ln -sf /usr/share/git-core/contrib/diff-highlight /usr/local/bin/diff-highlight

$ git log --left-right --graph --cherry-pick --oneline origin/<release>..origin/<dev>
  • or

    $ git rev-list --reverse \
                   --pretty="TO_TEST %h (<%ae>) %s" \
                   --cherry-pick \
                   --right-only origin/<release>...origin/<dev> \
                   | grep "^TO_TEST "

diff ignore whitespace


  • ignore tab


    $ git config core.whitespace '-tab-in-indent'
    $ git diff HEAD^..
    • ignore tab-in-indent for *.config and *.ltsv only

      $ cat ~/.gitattributes
             File: /Users/marslo/.gitattributes
         1   *.config    text diff=config whitespace=-tab-in-indent
         2   *.ltsv      text diff=ltsv whitespace=-tab-in-indent
  • ignore all

    $ git config core.whitespace '-trailing-space,-indent-with-non-tab,-tab-in-indent'


reference :


$ git describe --tags --long <revision>

# v2.5-0-gdeadbee
# ^    ^ ^^
# |    | ||
# |    | |'-- SHA of HEAD (first seven chars)
# |    | '--- "g" is for git
# |    '----- distance : number of commits since last tag
# |
# '---------- last tag name

$ git describe HEAD --tags
  • or

    $ git describe HEAD --all --long

get revision in particular branch

$ git tag -l --sort='creatordate' --merged <branch>

get latest tag


$ git tag -l --sort='creatordate' --merged <branch> | tail -1


# the command can be executed in .git folder (! -is-inside-work-tree)
$ git describe --tags --abbrev=0 --always


$ git for-each-ref --sort=taggerdate \
                   --format '%(tag)' \
                   refs/tags |
      tail -1
  • to get verbose output

    $ git for-each-ref --sort=taggerdate \
                       --format '%(tag) %(taggerdate:raw) %(taggername) %(subject)' \
    • or

      $ git for-each-ref --sort=taggerdate \
                         --format '%(tag)_,,,_%(taggerdate:raw)_,,,_%(taggername)_,,,_%(subject)' \
                         refs/tags |
            awk 'BEGIN { FS = "_,,,_"  } ; { printf "%-20s %-18s %-25s %s\n", $2, $1, $4, $3  }'
    • or

      $ git log --tags \
                --simplify-by-decoration \
                --pretty="format:%ai %d" |
    • or formatted date

      $ git for-each-ref --sort=taggerdate \
                         --format '%(tag)_,,,_%(taggerdate:raw)_,,,_%(taggername)_,,,_%(subject)' \
                         refs/tags |
            awk 'BEGIN { FS = "_,,,_"  } ; { t=strftime("%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M",$2); printf "%-20s %-18s %-25s %s\n", t, $1, $4, $3  }'
    • or git alias

      tags = !"git for-each-ref \
                   --sort=taggerdate \
                   --format '%(tag)_,,,_%(taggerdate:raw)_,,,_%(taggername)_,,,_%(subject)' refs/tags \
                   | awk 'BEGIN { FS = \"_,,,_\"  } ; { t=strftime(\"%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M\",$2); printf \"%-20s %-18s %-25s %s\\n\", t, $1, $4, $3  }'"

get revision from latest tag in particular branch

$ git rev-list -1 --no-patch $(git tag -l --sort='creatordate' --merged <branch> | tail -1)

$ git tag --points-at <revision>
  • get tags for HEAD:

    $ git tag --points-at HEAD


$ git name-rev --tags --name-only $(git rev-parse <revision>)
  • example

    $ git name-rev --tags --name-only $(git rev-parse HEAD)

get tag and distance (depth)


man of git-describe:

The hash suffix is "-g" + an unambigous abbreviation for the tip commit of parent.

The length of the abbreviation scales as the repository grows, using the approximate number of objects in the repository and a bit of math around the birthday paradox, and defaults to a minimum of 7.

$ git describe --long --tags
  |            |     + -g<has>
  |            + distance (commits on top)
  + tag name

# or
$ git describe --dirty --tags --long
|            | |  |
 \___    ___/  |  + commit hash of the current commit
      most     + commits on top

or --all

$ git describe --all --long

$ git describe --dirty --tags --long --match *nightly*

[!TIP] prepend "-" to reverse sort order.

  • ascending : --sort=<type>

  • descending : --sort=-<type>


  • via v:refname or version:refname

  • by created data

    $ git for-each-ref --sort=creatordate --format='%(refname) %(creatordate)' refs/tags
    # or
    $ git tag --format='%(creatordate:short)%09%(refname:strip=2)' --sort=creatordate
    # or
    $ git for-each-ref --sort=taggerdate --format='%(tag) %(taggerdate) %(taggername) %(subject)' refs/tags
    # much better
    $ git for-each-ref --sort=taggerdate \
                       --format '%(tag)_,,,_%(taggerdate:raw)_,,,_%(taggername)_,,,_%(subject)' refs/tags |
          awk 'BEGIN { FS = "_,,,_"  } ; { t=strftime("%Y-%m-%d  %H:%M",$2); printf "%-20s %-18s %-25s %s\n", t, $1, $4, $3  }'



# make a new blank repository in the current directory
git init

# add a remote
git remote add origin url://to/source/repository

# fetch a commit (or branch or tag) of interest
# Note: the full history up to this commit will be retrieved unless
#       you limit it with '--depth=...' or '--shallow-since=...'
git fetch origin <sha1-of-commit-of-interest>

# reset this repository's master branch to the commit of interest
git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD

checkout particular commit and submodules

[!TIP] references:

$ git checkout --recurse-submodules
  • or

    # [optional] create new branch
    $ git branch <branch-name> <commit-id>
    $ git checkout <branch-name>
    $ git checkout <commit-id>
    $ git submodule init                 # optional
    $ git submodule update --recursive
  • or

    $ git clean -xfd
    $ git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -xfd
    $ git reset --hard
    $ git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard
    $ git submodule update --init --recursive

checkout single branch

$ git clone --single-branch --branch <branch name> url://to/source/repository [target dir]

# or
$ mkdir -p <repo> && cd <repo>
$ git init
$ git fetch origin refs/heads/<branch>:refs/remotes/origin/<branch>
$ git checkout $(git rev-parse origin/<branch>^{commit})
  • add more branches

    $ git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"
    $ git fetch origin
    • or

      $ cat ~/.marslo/.gitalias
        # [a]dd [f]etch [r]efs
        afr = !bash -c 'git config --add remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/$1:refs/remotes/origin/$1"'
      $ git afr 'sandbox/marslo/*'


fetch single branch


  • with git remote

    $ mkdir -p <repo> && cd <repo>
    $ git init
    # set remote url
    $ git remote add -f origin <repoUrl>
    # set refsepc
    $ git remote set-branches origin <branch>
    # update local repo
    $ git config core.sparseCheckout true
    $ git fetch --all --progress
    $ git checkout <branch>
  • with git config

    $ mkdir -p <repo> && cd <repo>
    $ git init
    # set remote url
    $ git config remote.origin.url <repoUrl>
    # set refsepc
    $ git config [--add] remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/<branch>:refs/remotes/origin/<branch>"
    # update local repo
    $ git config core.sparseCheckout true
    $ git fetch --all --progress
    $ git checkout <branch>

  • clone --config

    $ git clone -c remote.origin.fetch=+refs/changes/*:refs/remotes/origin/changes/* <repoUrl>
    # verify
    $ git config --local --get-regexp origin.*
    remote.origin.fetch +refs/changes/*:refs/remotes/origin/changes/*
    remote.origin.url <repoUrl>
    remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
  • config --add

    $ git config --local --get-regexp origin.*
    remote.origin.url <repoUrl>
    remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    $ git config --add remote.origin.fetch "+refs/changes/*:refs/remotes/origin/changes/*"
    $ git config --local --get-regexp origin.*
    remote.origin.url <repoUrl>
    remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    remote.origin.fetch +refs/changes/*:refs/remotes/origin/changes/*

add more remotes

  • push to multiple remotes

    #                       remote name
    #                            v
    $ git remote set-url --add origin <remoteUrl>
    # before
    $ git remote -v
    origin  ssh://path/to/repoUrl (fetch)
    origin  ssh://path/to/repoUrl (push)
    # after
    origin  ssh://path/to/repoUrl (fetch)
    origin  ssh://path/to/repoUrl (push)
    origin  ssh://path/to/remoteUrl (push)
  • fetch and push to different repos

    $ git remote set-url --push origin ssh://path/to/remoteUrl
    # before
    $ git remote -v
    origin  ssh://path/to/repoUrl (fetch)
    origin  ssh://path/to/repoUrl (push)
    # after
    origin  ssh://path/to/repoUrl (fetch)
    origin  ssh://path/to/remoteUrl (push)

$ git remote set-url --delete --push origin ssh://path/to/remoteUrl


blame in line range

  • -L <start>,<end>

    $ git blame -L 1,3
    a03bebd23 (marslo Nov 2 2020       1) ---
    a03bebd23 (marslo Nov 2 2020       2) disqus: false
    a03bebd23 (marslo Nov 2 2020       3) ---
    $ git blame -L 1,+3
    a03bebd23 (marslo Nov 2 2020       1) ---
    a03bebd23 (marslo Nov 2 2020       2) disqus: false
    a03bebd23 (marslo Nov 2 2020       3) ---
  • -L :<funcname>

    $ git blame -L :pkgInstallation
    38327eac (marslo 2019-09-17 22:10:53 +0800 test1) function pkgInstallation() {
    38327eac (marslo 2019-09-17 22:10:53 +0800 test2)   dockerInstallation
    38327eac (marslo 2019-09-17 22:10:53 +0800 test3)   k8sInstallation
    38327eac (marslo 2019-09-17 22:10:53 +0800 test4)   cfsslInstallation
    38327eac (marslo 2019-09-17 22:10:53 +0800 test5)   etcdInstallation
    bdfe4340 (marslo 2019-09-23 16:35:08 +0800 test6)   helmInstallation
    38327eac (marslo 2019-09-17 22:10:53 +0800 test7) }
    38327eac (marslo 2019-09-17 22:10:53 +0800 test8)
    # or
    $ git blame -L '/pkgInstallation/,+3'
    38327eac (marslo 2019-09-17 22:10:53 +0800 test1) function pkgInstallation() {
    38327eac (marslo 2019-09-17 22:10:53 +0800 test2)   dockerInstallation
    38327eac (marslo 2019-09-17 22:10:53 +0800 test3)   k8sInstallation
  • by keywords ( git log -S )

    $ git pls -S pkgInstallation
    * 38327ea - update (2 years, 10 months ago) <marslo>


  • -s

    $ git blame -s | head -2
    a03bebd23  1) ---
    a03bebd23  2) disqus: false
  • -n, --show-number

    $ git blame -n -L '/pkgInstallation/,+1'
    38327eac 553 (marslo 2019-09-17 22:10:53 +0800 test1) function pkgInstallation() {
  • -f, --show-name

    $ git blame -f -L '/pkgInstallation/,+1'
    38327eac kubernetes/ (marslo 2019-09-17 22:10:53 +0800 test1) function pkgInstallation() {
  • -e, --show-email

    [!TIP] This can also be controlled via the blame.showEmail config option.

    $ git blame -e -L '/pkgInstallation/,+1'
    38327eac (<> 2019-09-17 22:10:53 +0800 test1) function pkgInstallation() {
  • -l

    $ git blame -l -L '/pkgInstallation/,+1'
    38327eac9b01d57c13d1865d58d822a81717d60f (marslo 2019-09-17 22:10:53 +0800 test1) function pkgInstallation() {
  • --date

    [!TIP] check : imarslo: date format setup global in ~/.gitconfig :

      date="format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %p"
    $ for i in iso iso-strict relative local rfc short raw human unix 'format:%c' '"format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"'; do
        cmd="git blame --date=${i} -L '/pkgInstallation/,+1'";
        echo ${cmd}; eval ${cmd}; echo "";
      git blame --date=iso -L '/pkgInstallation/,+1'
      38327eac (marslo 2019-09-17 22:10:53 +0800 test1) function pkgInstallation() {
      git blame --date=iso-strict -L '/pkgInstallation/,+1'
      38327eac (marslo 2019-09-17T22:10:53+08:00 test1) function pkgInstallation() {
      git blame --date=relative -L '/pkgInstallation/,+1'
      38327eac (marslo 2 years, 10 months ago test1) function pkgInstallation() {
      git blame --date=local -L '/pkgInstallation/,+1'
      38327eac (marslo Tue Sep 17 22:10:53 2019       test1) function pkgInstallation() {
      git blame --date=rfc -L '/pkgInstallation/,+1'
      38327eac (marslo Tue, 17 Sep 2019 22:10:53 +0800 test1) function pkgInstallation() {
      git blame --date=short -L '/pkgInstallation/,+1'
      38327eac (marslo 2019-09-17 test1) function pkgInstallation() {
      git blame --date=raw -L '/pkgInstallation/,+1'
      38327eac (marslo 1568729453 +0800 test1) function pkgInstallation() {
      git blame --date=human -L '/pkgInstallation/,+1'
      38327eac (marslo Sep 17 2019      test1) function pkgInstallation() {
      git blame --date=unix -L '/pkgInstallation/,+1'
      38327eac (marslo 1568729453 test1) function pkgInstallation() {
      git blame --date=format:%c -L '/pkgInstallation/,+1'
      38327eac (marslo Tue Sep 17 22:10:53 2019 test1) function pkgInstallation() {
      git blame --date="format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" -L '/pkgInstallation/,+1'
      38327eac (marslo 2019-09-17 22:10:53 test1) function pkgInstallation() {
  • --color-lines

    [!TIP] references:


    [color "blame"]
      repeatedLines = 130
  • --color-by-age

    [!TIP] references:


    [color "blame"]
      highlightRecent = 239, 20 month ago, 240, 18 month ago, 241, 16 month ago, 242, 14 month ago, 243, 12 month ago, 244, 10 month ago, 245, 8 month ago, 246, 6 month ago, 247, 4 month ago, 131, 3 month ago, 137, 2 month ago, 172, 1 month ago, 167, 3 weeks ago, 166, 2 weeks ago, 203, 1 week ago, 202
    // others
    [color "blame"]
      highlightRecent = 237, 20 month ago, 238, 19 month ago, 239, 18 month ago, 240, 17 month ago, 241, 16 month ago, 242, 15 month ago, 243, 14 month ago, 244, 13 month ago, 245, 12 month ago, 246, 11 month ago, 247, 10 month ago, 248, 9 month ago, 249, 8 month ago, 250, 7 month ago, 251, 6 month ago, 252, 5 month ago, 253, 4 month ago, 254, 3 month ago, 231, 2 month ago, 230, 1 month ago, 229, 3 weeks ago, 228, 2 weeks ago, 227, 1 week ago, 226


  • --since

    $ git blame --since=3.weeks -- foo
    # or
    $ git blame v2.6.18.. -- foo



get refs days ago

while read revision branch commitDate; do
  benchmark=$(date +%s --date="1 year ago")
  # echo "benchmark: $benchmark"
  if [[ commitDate -le benchmark ]]; then
    git for-each-ref ${branch} --format='%(refname:short) - %(align:right,20)%(committerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)%(end)'
done < <(git for-each-ref refs/remotes/origin/sandbox --sort=committerdate --format='%(objectname) %(refname) %(committerdate:unix)')
  • to archive

    $ git push origin refs/remotes/origin/sandbox/marslo/test:refs/remotes/archive/sandbox/marslo/test
    Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
    remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done
    remote: GitMS - update replicated.
    To ssh://
     * [new reference]     origin/sandbox/marslo/test -> archive/sandbox/marslo/test
  • to delete

    # delete local refs
    $ git update-ref -d refs/remotes/origin/sandbox/marslo/test -m 'already archived in refs/remotes/archive/sandbox/marslo/test'
    # delete remote refs
    $ git push . :refs/remotes/origin/sandbox/marslo/test
    # or delete without `refs/remotes/`
    $ git push origin --delete archive/sandbox/marslo/test
    $ git push origin --delete origin/sandbox/marslo/test
    • delete via origin will get issue internal server error

      $ git push origin --force :refs/remotes/origin/sandbox/marslo/test
      remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done
      remote: error: ref update is a no-op: DELETE: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 refs/remotes/origin/sandbox/marslo/test
      To ssh://
       ! [remote rejected]   origin/sandbox/marslo/test (internal server error)
      error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://'
  • to retrive

    # fetch single ref
    $ git fetch origin refs/remotes/archive/sandbox/marslo/test
    From ssh://
     * remote-tracking branch archive/sandbox/marslo/test -> FETCH_HEAD
    $ git checkout FETCH_HEAD
    HEAD is now at 749bd27d test
    # fetch all ref
    $ git fetch origin refs/remotes/archive/*:refs/archive/*
    remote: Counting objects: 4507, done
    remote: Finding sources: 100% (57/57)
    remote: Total 57 (delta 20), reused 49 (delta 20)
    Unpacking objects: 100% (57/57), 14.52 KiB | 424.00 KiB/s, done.
    From ssh://
     * [new ref]           archive/sandbox/marslo/test       -> refs/archive/sandbox/marslo/test
     * [new ref]           archive/sandbox/marslo/sandbox    -> refs/archive/sandbox/marslo/sandbox
     * [new ref]           archive/sandbox/marslo/sample     -> refs/archive/sandbox/marslo/sample


  • (subject) : "the subject line"

  • %(subject:sanitize) : "the-subject-line"


  • foramtting

  • format:

    • %00 -> \0 (NUL)

    • %09 -> (tab)

    • %0a -> (LF)

  • field names:

    • head :

      • refname: -> refs/heads/master

      • refname:short -> master

      • refname:lstrip=1 -> heads/master

      • refname:lstrip=2 -> master

      • refname:lstrip=-1 -> master

      • refname:lstrip=-2 -> heads/master

      • refname:rstrip=1 -> refs/heads

      • refname:rstrip=2 -> refs

      • refname:rstrip=-1 -> refs

      • refname:rstrip=-2 -> refs/heads

      • refname:strip=1 -> heads/master

      • refname:strip=2 -> master

      • refname:strip=-1 -> master

      • refname:strip=-2 -> heads/master

      • upstream -> refs/remotes/origin/master

      • upstream:short -> origin/master

      • upstream:lstrip=2 -> origin/master

      • upstream:lstrip=-2 -> origin/master

      • upstream:rstrip=2 -> refs/remotes

      • upstream:rstrip=-2 -> refs/remotes

      • upstream:strip=2 -> origin/master

      • upstream:strip=-2 -> origin/master

      • push -> refs/remotes/myfork/master

      • push:short -> myfork/master

      • push:lstrip=1 -> remotes/myfork/master

      • push:lstrip=-1 -> master

      • push:rstrip=1 -> refs/remotes/myfork

      • push:rstrip=-1 -> refs

      • push:strip=1 -> remotes/myfork/master

      • push:strip=-1 -> master

      • objecttype -> commit

      • objectsize -> $((131 + hexlen))

      • objectsize:disk -> $disklen

      • deltabase -> $ZERO_OID

      • parent -> ''

      • parent:short -> ''

      • parent:short=1 -> ''

      • parent:short=10 -> ''

      • numparent -> 0

      • object -> ''

      • type -> ''

      • '*objectname' -> ''

      • '*objecttype' -> ''

      • author -> 'A U Thor <> 1151968724 +0200'

      • authorname -> 'A U Thor'

      • authoremail -> '<>'

      • authoremail:trim -> ''

      • authoremail:localpart -> 'author'

      • tag -> ''

      • tagger -> ''

      • taggername -> ''

      • taggeremail -> ''

      • taggeremail:trim -> ''

      • taggeremail:localpart -> ''

      • taggerdate -> ''

      • subject -> 'Initial'

      • subject:sanitize -> 'Initial'

      • contents:subject -> 'Initial'

      • body -> ''

      • contents:body -> ''

      • contents:signature -> ''

      • contents -> 'Initial'

      • HEAD -> '*'

      • objectname -> $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master)

      • objectname:short -> $(git rev-parse --short refs/heads/master)

      • objectname:short=1 -> $(git rev-parse --short=1 refs/heads/master)

      • objectname:short=10 -> $(git rev-parse --short=10 refs/heads/master)

      • tree -> $(git rev-parse refs/heads/master^{tree})

      • tree:short -> $(git rev-parse --short refs/heads/master^{tree})

      • tree:short=1 -> $(git rev-parse --short=1 refs/heads/master^{tree})

      • tree:short=10 -> $(git rev-parse --short=10 refs/heads/master^{tree})

      • authordate -> 'Tue Jul 4 01:18:44 2006 +0200'

      • committer -> 'C O Mitter <> 1151968723 +0200'

      • committername -> 'C O Mitter'

      • committeremail -> '<>'

      • committeremail:trim -> ''

      • committeremail:localpart -> 'committer'

      • committerdate -> 'Tue Jul 4 01:18:43 2006 +0200'

      • objectname:short=1 -> $(git rev-parse --short=1 refs/heads/master)

      • objectname:short=10 -> $(git rev-parse --short=10 refs/heads/master)

      • creator -> 'C O Mitter <> 1151968723 +0200'

      • creatordate -> 'Tue Jul 4 01:18:43 2006 +0200'

    • tags:

      • refname -> refs/tags/testtag

      • refname:short -> testtag

      • upstream -> ''

      • push -> ''

      • objecttype -> tag

      • objectsize -> $((114 + hexlen))

      • objectsize:disk -> $disklen

      • '*objectsize:disk' -> $disklen

      • deltabase -> $ZERO_OID

      • '*deltabase' -> $ZERO_OID

      • tree -> ''

      • tree:short -> ''

      • tree:short=1 -> ''

      • tree:short=10 -> ''

      • parent -> ''

      • parent:short -> ''

      • parent:short=1 -> ''

      • parent:short=10 -> ''

      • numparent -> ''

      • type -> 'commit'

      • '*objecttype' -> 'commit'

      • author -> ''

      • authorname -> ''

      • authoremail -> ''

      • authoremail:trim -> ''

      • authoremail:localpart -> ''

      • authordate -> ''

      • committer -> ''

      • committername -> ''

      • committeremail -> ''

      • committeremail:trim -> ''

      • committeremail:localpart -> ''

      • committerdate -> ''

      • tag -> 'testtag'

      • body -> ''

      • contents:body -> ''

      • contents:signature -> ''

      • contents -> `'Tagging at 1151968727``

      • object -> $(git rev-parse refs/tags/testtag^0)

      • objectname -> $(git rev-parse refs/tags/testtag)

      • objectname:short -> $(git rev-parse --short refs/tags/testtag)

      • '*objectname' -> $(git rev-parse refs/tags/testtag^{})

      • tagger -> 'C O Mitter <> 1151968725 +0200'

      • taggername -> 'C O Mitter'

      • taggeremail -> '<>'

      • taggeremail:trim -> ''

      • taggeremail:localpart -> 'committer'

      • taggerdate -> 'Tue Jul 4 01:18:45 2006 +0200'

      • creator -> 'C O Mitter <> 1151968725 +0200'

      • creatordate -> 'Tue Jul 4 01:18:45 2006 +0200'

      • subject -> 'Tagging at 1151968727'

      • subject:sanitize -> 'Tagging-at-1151968727'

      • contents:subject -> 'Tagging at 1151968727'

date format

[!TIP] references:


  • relative

  • local

  • default

  • iso ( or iso8601 )

  • rfc ( or rfc2822 )

  • short

  • raw

  • format:%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p

strftime :

  • %a : Abbreviated weekday name

  • %A : Full weekday name

  • %b : Abbreviated month name

  • %B : Full month name

  • %c : Date and time representation appropriate for locale

  • %d : Day of month as decimal number (01 – 31)

  • %H : Hour in 24-hour format (00 – 23)

  • %I : Hour in 12-hour format (01 – 12)

  • %j : Day of year as decimal number (001 – 366)

  • %m : Month as decimal number (01 – 12)

  • %M : Minute as decimal number (00 – 59)

  • %p : Current locale's A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock

  • %S : Second as decimal number (00 – 59)

  • %U : Week of year as decimal number, with Sunday as first day of week (00 – 53)

  • %w : Weekday as decimal number (0 – 6; Sunday is 0)

  • %W : Week of year as decimal number, with Monday as first day of week (00 – 53)

  • %x : Date representation for current locale

  • %X : Time representation for current locale

  • %y : Year without century, as decimal number (00 – 99)

  • %Y : Year with century, as decimal number

  • %% : Percent sign

  • %z, %Z : Either the time-zone name or time zone abbreviation, depending on registry settings

  • how to use

    $ git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate refs/tags \
    Mon Aug 30 21:50:57 2021 +0800
    $ git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate refs/tags \
    9 months ago
    $ git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate refs/tags \
    1630331457 +0800
    $ git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate refs/tags \
    2021-08-30 21:50:57 +0800
    $ git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate refs/tags \
    Mon, 30 Aug 2021 21:50:57 +0800
    $ git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate refs/tags \
    Mon Aug 30 21:50:57 2021
    $ git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate refs/tags \
                       --format='%(committerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p)'
    2021-08-30 09:50 PM
    $ git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate refs/tags \
                       --format='%(committerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)'
    2021-08-30 21:50:57



  • %(color:<color_name>)

  • %(color:reset)

  • example

    $ git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate refs/tags \
                       --format='%(color:yellow)%(committerdate:iso)%(color:reset)' \
    2021-08-30 21:50:57 +0800
    $ git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate refs/tags \
                       --format='%(color:blue)%(committerdate:iso)%(color:reset)' \
    2021-08-30 21:50:57 +0800



  • %(if)...%(then)...%(else)...%(end)

  • %(align:<number>,left) ... %(end)

  • example

    $ git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate refs/tags \
                       --format='%(if)%(committerdate)%(then)%(committerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p)%(else)%(taggerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p)%(end)'
    2021-08-30 09:50 PM
    $ git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate refs/tags \
                       --format='%(align:left,50)[%(objecttype) : %(refname:short)]%(end) (%(committerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M)) <%(committername)>' \
                       --color \
    [commit : sandbox/marslo/tag-1]              (2021-08-30 21:50) <marslo>


  ### [p]retty [t]ag
  pt          = "!git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate refs/tags --format='%(color:red)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset) - %(align:left,38)%(color:bold yellow)[%(objecttype) : %(refname:short)]%(color:reset)%(end) %(subject) %(color:green)(%(if)%(taggerdate)%(then)%(taggerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M)%(else)%(committerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M)%(end))%(color:reset) %(color:blue)%(if)%(taggername)%(then)<%(taggername)>%(else)<%(committername)>%(end)%(color:reset)' --color --count=10"
  pts         = "!git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate refs/tags --format='%(color:red)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset) - %(color:bold yellow)[%(objecttype) : %(refname:short)]%(color:reset) - %(subject) %(color:green)(%(if)%(taggerdate)%(then)%(taggerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M)%(else)%(committerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M)%(end))%(color:reset) %(color:blue)%(if)%(taggername)%(then)<%(taggername)>%(else)<%(committername)>%(end)%(color:reset)' --color"

  ### [p]retty [b]ranch
  pb          = "! git for-each-ref refs/heads refs/remotes --sort=-committerdate --format='%(color:red)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset) - %(color:bold yellow)%(committerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)%(color:reset) - %(align:left,20)%(color:cyan)<%(authorname)>%(color:reset)%(end) %(color:bold red)%(if)%(HEAD)%(then)* %(else)  %(end)%(color:reset)%(refname:short)' --color --count=10"
  pbs         = "! git for-each-ref refs/heads refs/remotes --sort=-committerdate --format='%(color:red)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset) - %(color:bold yellow)%(committerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)%(color:reset) - %(align:left,20)%(color:cyan)<%(authorname)>%(color:reset)%(end) %(color:bold red)%(if)%(HEAD)%(then)* %(else)  %(end)%(color:reset)%(refname:short)' --color"

Last updated