$ sudo apt-get intall pv
$ echo "Very very very very very long words" | pv -qL $[10+(-2 + RANDOM%5)]
$ echo "You can simulate on-screen typing just like in the movies" | pv -qL 10
# or
$ sudo apt-get install randtype
$ echo "Very very very very very long words" | randtype -m 4
# or
$ echo "hello world !" | while read x; do for(( i=0; i<${#x}; i++ )); do echo -n "${x:$i:1}"; sleep .06; done; done
$ cycle(){ while :;do((i++)); echo -n "${3:$(($i%${#3})):1}"; sleep .$(($RANDOM%$2+$1)); done; }
# usage
$ cycle 1 4 ' All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.'
$ cycle 1 3 $(openssl rand 100 | xxd -p)
set volume by command
$ pacmd set-sink-volume 0 0x10000
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