# main function designed for quickly copying to another program
progressBar() {
Bar="" # Progress Bar / Volume level
Len=25 # Length of Progress Bar / Volume level
Div=4 # Divisor into Volume for # of blocks
Fill="▒" # Fill up to $Len
Arr=( "▉" "▎" "▌" "▊" ) # UTF-8 left blocks: 7/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4
FullBlock=$((${1} / Div)) # Number of full blocks
PartBlock=$((${1} % Div)) # Size of partial block (array index)
while [[ $FullBlock -gt 0 ]]; do
Bar="$Bar${Arr[0]}" # Add 1 full block into Progress Bar
(( FullBlock-- )) # Decrement full blocks counter
# if remainder zero no partial block, else append character from array
if [[ $PartBlock -gt 0 ]]; then Bar="$Bar${Arr[$PartBlock]}"; fi
# Pad Progress Bar with fill character
while [[ "${#Bar}" -lt "$Len" ]]; do Bar="$Bar$Fill"; done
echo progress : "$1 $Bar"
exit 0 # Remove this line when copying into program
} # progressBar
Main () {
tput civis # Turn off cursor
for ((i=0; i<=100; i++)); do
CurrLevel=$(progressBar "$i") # Generate progress bar 0 to 100
echo -ne "$CurrLevel"\\r # Reprint overtop same line
sleep .04
echo -e \\n # Advance line to keep last progress
echo "$0 Done"
tput cnorm # Turn cursor back on
} # main
Main "$@"