import hudson.model.Result
import jenkins.model.CauseOfInterruption
//iterate through current project runs
build.getProject()._getRuns().each { id, run ->
def exec = run.getExecutor()
//if the run is not a current build and it has executor (running) then stop it
if( run!=build && exec!=null ) {
//prepare the cause of interruption
def cause = new CauseOfInterruption() {
public String getShortDescription() {
return "interrupted by build #${build.getId()}"
exec.interrupt( Result.ABORTED, cause )
//just for test do something long...
Signals an error. Useful if you want to conditionally abort some part of your program. You can also just throw new Exception(), but this step will avoid printing a stack trace
Prints a message to the log and sets the overall build result and the stage result to UNSTABLE. The message will also be associated with the stage result and may be shown in visualizations.
WorkflowRun run = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName("####YOUR_JOB_NAME####")._getRuns()[0]
FlowExecution exec = run.getExecution()
PipelineNodeGraphVisitor visitor = new PipelineNodeGraphVisitor(run)
def flowNodes = visitor.getPipelineNodes()
for (Iterator iterator = flowNodes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
def node =
if (node.getType() == FlowNodeWrapper.NodeType.STAGE) {
String stageName = node.getDisplayName()
def stageResult = node.getStatus().getResult()
println "Result of stage ${stageName} is ${stageResult}"
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.graph.FlowGraphWalker
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.graph.FlowNode
try {
// just for demo, a success step and a failure step
node {
sh 'true'
sh 'false'
} finally {
FlowGraphWalker walker = new FlowGraphWalker(currentBuild.rawBuild.getExecution())
for (FlowNode flowNode: walker) {
// do whatever you want with flowNode
echo flowNode.dump()