


customized firefox style


  • Steps:

    • open your currently active profile folder

    • create a new folder named chrome

    • create a desktop shortcut (alias) to the chrome folder for easier future access

    • make sure your OS is set to show you file extensions like .txt and .css

    • create a new text file inside the chrome folder named userChrome.css

    • change a preference in Firefox so it looks for your files at startup (in Firefox 69+)

  • Unlock custom CSS usage in Firefox 69 and newer

    • about:config

    • toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets

    • true

  • Where to find Firefox profile folder? The correct location for user styles

    • about:support > Profile Folder > Open Folder or about:profiles > Root Directory > Open Folder

    • User styles belong into <profile_folder>\chrome\ folder

  • Inspect ui or web content

    • Enable once

      • Tools > WebDeveloper > Toggle Tools > 'Customize Tools and get help button' > Settings > Enable browser chrome and add-on debugging toolboxes

      • Tools > WebDeveloper > Toggle Tools > 'Customize Tools and get help button' > Settings > Enable remote debugging

      • Hit Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I or open Tools > WebDeveloper > Browser Toolbox

remove blue line for active tab



[!TIP] references:

  • shift + w : move tab to new windows by using Vimium

  • cmd+l -> shift+enter : duplicate tab to new window

  • cmd+l -> opt+enter : duplicate tab to same window


[!NOTE] references:

  • download standalone version via :

  • download for OSX :

    • standalone for OSX :

  • download for linux :

    • standalone for linux :



disable is not secure for http URL

  • settings -> privacy and security -> security -> Always use secure connections

remove "All Bookmarks"


  • open about://flags

  • disable Power bookmarks side panel


  • chrome://restart



  • all in one

    • chrome://about/ or about:about

    • chrome://chrome-urls/ or about:chrome-urls

    • chrome://predictors/ or about:predictors

  • quick open

    • chrome://downloads/ or about:download

    • chrome://version or about:version

    • chrome://settings/ or about:settings

    • chrome://flags/ or about:flags

  • utilities

      • chrome://dino/ or about:dino

    • chrome://translate-internals/ or about:translate-internals

    • chrome://user-actions/ or about:user-actions

    • chrome://whats-new/ or about:whats-new

    • chrome://topics-internals/ or about:topics-internals

    • chrome://quota-internals/ or about:quota-internals

    • chrome://profile-internals/ or about:profile-internals

    • chrome://prefs-internals/ or about:prefs-internals

    • chrome://password-manager-internals/ or about:password-manager-internals

    • chrome://ukm/ or about:ukm

    • chrome://components/ or about:components

    • chrome://sync-internals

  • debug

    • chrome://local-state/ or about:local-state

    • chrome://process-internals/ or about:process-internals

    • chrome://system/ or about:system

    • chrome://history-clusters-internals/ or about:history-clusters-internals

    • chrome://web-app-internals/ or about:web-app-internals

    • chrome://histograms/ or about:histograms

    • chrome://gpu/ or about:gpu

    • chrome://net-internals/ or about:net-internals

    • chrome://net-export/ or about:net-export

    • chrome://device-log/ or about:device-log

    • chrome://badcastcrash/ or about:badcastcrash

    • chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz/ or about:inducebrowsercrashforrealz

    • chrome://inducebrowserdcheckforrealz/ or about:inducebrowserdcheckforrealz

    • chrome://crash/ or about:crash

    • chrome://crashdump/ or about:crashdump

    • chrome://kill/ or about:kill

    • chrome://hang/ or about:hang

    • chrome://shorthang/ or about:shorthang

    • chrome://gpuclean/ or about:gpuclean

    • chrome://gpucrash/ or about:gpucrash

    • chrome://gpuhang/ or about:gpuhang

    • chrome://memory-exhaust/ or about:memory-exhaust

    • chrome://memory-pressure-critical/ or about:memory-pressure-critical

    • chrome://memory-pressure-moderate/ or about:memory-pressure-moderate

    • chrome://quit/ or about:quit

    • chrome://restart/ or about:restart

incognito mode

@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe\" -incognito -- \"%1\""
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe\" -incognito %1"


  • download page :

  • download for OSX :

Last updated