aa = add --all
st = status -sb
sts = status
rb = rebase
co = checkout --force --recurse-submodules
cb = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
cl = clean -dffx
cn = clone --recurse-submodules --tags
cp = cherry-pick
wc = whatchanged
gca = gc --aggressive
fa = fetch --prune --prune-tags --force --all
ma = merge --all --progress
psa = push origin --all
pst = push origin --tags
root = rev-parse --show-toplevel
first = rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD
last = cat-file commit HEAD
undo = reset HEAD~1 --mixed
### [c]onflict [f]ile
cf = "! bash -c 'grep --color=always -rnw \"^<<<<<<< HEAD$\"'"
# [c]onflict [f]ile [n]ame
cfn = diff --name-only --diff-filter=U --relative
# statistics
# get line changer statistic
impact = "!git ls-files -z \
| xargs -0n1 git blame -w \
| perl -n -e '/^.*?\\((.*?)\\s+[\\d]{4}/; print $1,\"\\n\"' \
| sort -f \
| uniq -c \
| sort -nr"
pretty show
### [p]retty [t]ag
ls = log --stat --pretty=short --graph
### [p]retty [l]og(s)
pl = !git --no-pager log --color --graph --pretty=tformat:'%C(red)%h%C(reset) -%C(yellow)%d%C(reset) %s %C(green)(%cr) %C(blue)<%an>%C(reset)' --abbrev-commit --date=relative --max-count=3
pls = log --color --graph --pretty=tformat:'%C(red)%h%C(reset) -%C(yellow)%d%C(reset) %s %C(green)(%cr)%C(reset) %C(blue)<%an>%C(reset)' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
### [p]revious branch [p]retty [l]og
ppl = !git --no-pager log --color --graph --pretty=tformat:'%C(red)%h%C(reset) -%C(yellow)%d%C(reset) %s %C(green)(%cr) %C(blue)<%an>%C(reset)' --abbrev-commit --date=relative --max-count=3 @{-1}
### [f]ull [p]retty [l]log
fpl = log --color --graph --pretty=tformat:'%C(red)%H%C(reset) -%C(yellow)%d%C(reset) %s %C(green)(%cr)%C(reset) %C(blue)<%an>%C(reset)' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
### Showing all branches and their relationshps
tree = log --color --graph --pretty=oneline --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' --decorate --abbrev-commit --all
clog = log --color --graph --all --decorate --simplify-by-decoration --oneline
### [p]retty [t]ag(s)
pt = "! git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate refs/tags --format='%(color:red)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset) - %(align:left,38)%(color:bold yellow)[%(objecttype) : %(refname:short)]%(color:reset)%(end) %(subject) %(color:green)(%(if)%(taggerdate)%(then)%(taggerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)%(else)%(committerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)%(end))%(color:reset) %(color:blue)%(if)%(taggername)%(then)<%(taggername)>%(else)<%(committername)>%(end)%(color:reset)' --color --count=10"
pts = "! git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate refs/tags --format='%(color:red)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset) - %(color:bold yellow)[%(objecttype) : %(refname:short)]%(color:reset) - %(subject) %(color:green)(%(if)%(taggerdate)%(then)%(taggerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)%(else)%(committerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)%(end))%(color:reset) %(color:blue)%(if)%(taggername)%(then)<%(taggername)>%(else)<%(committername)>%(end)%(color:reset)' --color"
### [p]retty [b]ranch(s)
pb = "! git for-each-ref refs/heads refs/remotes --sort=-committerdate --format='%(color:red)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset) - %(color:bold yellow)%(committerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)%(color:reset) - %(align:left,20)%(color:cyan)<%(authorname)>%(color:reset)%(end) %(color:bold red)%(if)%(HEAD)%(then)* %(else) %(end)%(color:reset)%(refname:short)' --color --count=10"
pbs = "! git for-each-ref refs/heads refs/remotes --sort=-committerdate --format='%(color:red)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset) - %(color:bold yellow)%(committerdate:format:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)%(color:reset) - %(align:left,20)%(color:cyan)<%(authorname)>%(color:reset)%(end) %(color:bold red)%(if)%(HEAD)%(then)* %(else) %(end)%(color:reset)%(refname:short)' --color"
### sort local/remote branch via committerdate (DESC). usage: $ git recent; $ git recent remotes 10
recent = "!f() { \
declare help=\"USAGE: git recent [remotes|tags] [count]\"; \
declare refs; \
declare count; \
if [ 2 -lt $# ]; then \
echo \"${help}\"; \
exit 1; \
else \
if [ 'remotes' = \"$1\" ]; then \
refs='refs/remotes/origin'; \
elif [ 'tags' = \"$1\" ]; then \
refs='refs/tags'; \
elif [ 1 -eq $# ]; then \
count=$1; \
fi; \
if [ 2 -eq $# ]; then \
count=$2; \
fi; \
fi; \
git for-each-ref \
--sort=-committerdate \
${refs:='refs/heads'} \
--format='%(HEAD) %(color:yellow)%(refname:short)%(color:reset) - %(color:red)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset) - %(contents:subject) - %(authorname) %(color:green)(%(committerdate:relative))%(color:reset)' \
--color=always \
--count=${count:=5}; \
}; f \
### [s]ort [b]ranch
sb = "! git branch --sort=-committerdate --format='%(HEAD) %(color:red)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset) - %(color:yellow)%(refname:short)%(color:reset) - %(subject) %(color:bold green)(%(committerdate:relative))%(color:reset) %(color:blue)<%(authorname)>%(color:reset)' --color=always"
# [c]urrent [b]ranch
rbr = "! f(){ git branch -ra | grep $1; }; f"
commit and push
# [c]ommit -[a]m
ca = "!f() { \
git add --all $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) ; \
git commit -am \"$1\" ; \
}; f \
### [c]omm[i]t --[a]mend
cia = "!f() { \
declare authorDate=\"${GIT_AUTHOR_DATE}\"; \
declare commiterDate=\"${GIT_COMMITTER_DATE}\"; \
OPT='commit --amend --allow-empty'; \
if [ 0 -eq $# ]; then \
git ${OPT} ; \
else \
if [ \"o\" == \"$1\" ] || [ \"original\" == \"$1\" ]; then \
declare dd=\"$(git log -n 1 --format=%aD)\"; \
export GIT_AUTHOR_DATE=\"${dd}\"; \
export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=\"${dd}\"; \
git ${OPT} --date=\"${dd}\" -m \"${@:2}\" ; \
else \
git ${OPT} -m \"$@\" ; \
fi; \
fi; \
}; f \
### [m]arslo force [p]ush
mp = "! bash -c 'while read branch; do \n\
echo -e \"\\033[1;33m~~> ${branch}\\033[0m\" \n\
git add --all $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) \n\
git commit --amend --no-edit \n\
if [ 'meta/config' == \"${branch}\" ]; then \n\
git push -u --force origin HEAD:refs/meta/config \n\
git fetch origin --force refs/meta/config:refs/remotes/origin/meta/config ; \n\
git reset --hard remotes/origin/${branch} ; \n\
else \n\
git push -u --force origin ${branch} \n\
fi \n\
done < <(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) \n\
' \n\
find alias
### show [g]it alia[s]
as = "! bash -c '''grep --no-group-separator -A1 -e \"^\\s*###\" \"$HOME\"/.marslo/.gitalias | \n\
awk \"END{if((NR%2))print p}!(NR%2){print\\$0p}{p=\\$0}\" | \n\
sed -re \"s/( =)(.*)(###)/*/g\" | \n\
sed -re \"s:[][]::g\" | \n\
awk -F* \"{printf \\\"\\033[1;33m%-20s\\033[0m ยป \\033[0;34m%s\\033[0m\\n\\\", \\$1, \\$2}\" | \n\
sort \n\
''' \n\
### [find] [a]lias by keywords
finda = "!grepalias() { git config --get-regexp alias | \
grep -i \"$1\" | \
awk -v nr=2 '{ \
sub(/^alias\\./,\"\") }; \
{printf \"\\033[31m%15s :\\033[1;37m\", $1}; \
{sep=FS}; \
{ for (x=nr; x<=NF; x++) {printf \"%s%s\", sep, $x; }; print \"\\033[0;39m\" \
}'; \
}; grepalias"
get Change-Ids
### [c]hange-[i][d]
cid = "!f() { \
ref='HEAD'; \
if [ 0 -ne $# ]; then ref=\"$@\"; fi; \
echo \"\\033[1;33m~~> Commit-Id : Change-Id :\\033[0m\"; \
git --no-pager log -1 --no-color ${ref} | \
sed -nr 's!^commit\\s*(.+)$!\\1!p; s!^\\s*Change-Id:\\s*(.*$)!\\1!p' | \
awk '{ key=$0; getline; print key \" : \" $0; }'; \
}; f \
### [c]hange-[i][d][s]
cids = "!f() { \
OPT='-3'; \
if [ 0 -ne $# ]; then OPT=\"$@\"; fi; \
echo \"\\033[1;33m~~> Commit-Id : Change-Id :\\033[0m\"; \
git --no-pager log --no-color ${OPT} | \
sed -nr 's!^commit\\s*(.+)$!\\1!p; s!^\\s*Change-Id:\\s*(.*$)!\\1!p' | \
awk '{ key=$0; getline; print key \" : \" $0; }'; \
}; f \
### [c]hange-[i][d] to [rev]sion
cid2rev = "!f() { \
if [ 0 -ne $# ]; then \
changeId=\"$@\" ; \
for _i in $(git rev-list --do-walk HEAD); do \
if git --no-pager show ${_i} --no-patch --format='%B' | grep -F \"Change-Id: ${changeId}\" >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
echo ${_i} ; \
break ; \
fi ; \
done ; \
else \
exit 1; \
fi; \
}; f \
### [c]hange-[id] [rev]ision [count]
cid-rev-count = "!f() { \
echo \"\\033[1;33m~~> Revision-Count : Commit-Id : Change-Id :\\033[0m\"; \
git rev-list --no-color --reverse HEAD | nl | sort -nr | \
while read number revision; do \
cid=$(git show -s \"${revision}\" --format='%B' | sed -rn 's/^\\s*Change-Id:\\s*(.+)$/\\1/p') ; \
if [[ \"${cid}\" = \"$1\" ]]; then echo \"${number} : ${revision} : ${cid}\"; break; fi; \
done; \
}; f"
revision count
show-rev = "!f(){ git rev-list --count $1; }; f"
rev-number = "!bash -c 'git rev-list --reverse HEAD | nl | sort -nr | awk \"{ if(\\$1 == "$0") { print \\$2 }}\"'"
rev-count = "!f() { \
declare hash=$(git rev-parse \"$1\"); \
git rev-list --no-color --reverse HEAD | nl | sort -nr | \
while read number revision ; do \
if [[ \"${revision}\" = \"${hash}\" ]]; then echo \"${number}\"; break; fi; \
done; \
}; f"
### [c]hange-[id] [rev]ision [count]
cid-rev-count = "!f() { \
echo \"\\033[1;33m~~> Revision-Count : Commit-Id : Change-Id :\\033[0m\"; \
git rev-list --no-color --reverse HEAD | nl | sort -nr | \
while read number revision; do \
cid=$(git show -s \"${revision}\" --format='%B' | sed -rn 's/^\\s*Change-Id:\\s*(.+)$/\\1/p') ; \
if [[ \"${cid}\" = \"$1\" ]]; then echo \"${number} : ${revision} : ${cid}\"; break; fi; \
done; \
}; f"
show-remote-rev = "!bash -c 'git ls-remote --heads $(git config --get remote.origin.url) | \n\
grep \"refs/heads/$0\" | \n\
cut -f 1 \n\
' \n\
revset = "!bash -c 'ix=0; for ih in $(git rev-list --reverse HEAD); do \n\
TCMD=\"git notes --ref linrev\"; \n\
TCMD=\"$TCMD add $ih -m \\\"(r\\$((++ix)))\\\"\"; \n\
eval \"$TCMD\"; \n\
done; \n\
echo \"Linear revision notes are set.\" \n\
' \n\
revunset = "!bash -c 'ix=0; for ih in $(git rev-list --reverse HEAD); do \n\
TCMD=\"git notes --ref linrev\"; \n\
TCMD=\"$TCMD remove $ih\"; \n\
eval \"$TCMD 2>/dev/null\"; \n\
done; \n\
echo \"Linear revision notes are unset.\" \n\
' \n\
Last updated
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