
[!NOTE] references:

fancy bash


$ echo ${BASH_ALIASES[ls]}
ls --color=always

  • get bash login log ( for rc script debug )

    $ bash -l -v
  • run with only one startup file ( for sharing accounts )

    $ bash -i --rcfile="$HOME/.marslo/.imarslo"



sort array


  • sample array:

    declare -A authors
    declare -i i=0
    for ((r = 0; r <= 255; r+=40)); do
      (( i++ ));
    # output
    $ for k in "${!authors[@]}"; do echo "$k  -  ${authors["$k"]}"; done
    6  -  240
    5  -  200
    4  -  160
    3  -  120
    2  -  80
    1  -  40
    0  -  0
  • sort array by key

    [!TIP] !! highly recommend !!

    $ for key in $(echo ${!authors[@]} | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -n); do
      echo $key - ${authors[$key]};
    0 - 0
    1 - 40
    2 - 80
    3 - 120
    4 - 160
    5 - 200
    6 - 240
  • or

    $ printf "%s\n" "${!authors[@]}" | sort -n | while read -r key; do
      echo $key - ${authors[$key]};
    0 - 0
    1 - 40
    2 - 80
    3 - 120
    4 - 160
    5 - 200
    6 - 240
  • or sort after for loop

    $ for k in "${!authors[@]}"; do
      echo "$k  -  ${authors["$k"]}";
    done | sort -n
    0  -  0
    1  -  40
    2  -  80
    3  -  120
    4  -  160
    5  -  200
    6  -  240
  • or using IFS to sort key before loop

    authors_indexes=( ${!authors[@]} )
    oIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' authors_sorted=( $( printf '%s\n' "${!authors[@]}" | sort ) ) IFS="$oIFS"
    for k in "${!authors_sorted[@]}"; do
      echo "$k  -  ${authors["$k"]}"
    # result
    0  -  0
    1  -  40
    2  -  80
    3  -  120
    4  -  160
    5  -  200
    6  -  240


Brace Expansion

echo a{d,c,b}e

Tilde Expansion


Shell Parameter Expansion

string=01234567890abc; echo ${string:7:2}

Command Substitution

$(command) or command

Arithmetic Expansion

$(( expression ))

Process Substitution

<(list) or >(list)

Word Splitting


Filename Expansion

*, ? , [..],...



# default IFS
$ echo "${IFS@Q}"
$' \t\n'

$ echo "$IFS" | od -tcx1
0000000      \t  \n  \n
         20  09  0a  0a

$ echo -n "$IFS" | od -tcx1
0000000      \t  \n
         20  09  0a

# i.e.:
$ read a b c <<< "foo bar baz"; echo $a - $b - $c
foo - bar - baz
  • or

    $ cat -c -etv <<<"$IFS"
    $ printf "%s" "$IFS" | od -to1 -vtc
    0000000 040 011 012
                 \t  \n
  • example

    $ IFS=' ' read -p 'Enter your first and last name : ' first last; echo ">> hello $first $last"
    Enter your first and last name : marslo jiao
    >> hello marslo jiao
    # read from array
    $ foo=( x=y a=b )
    $ while IFS='=' read -r var value; do echo "$var >> $value"; done < <(printf '%s\n' "${foo[@]}")
    x >> y
    a >> b

# due to 7 fields are spitted via `:` in /etc/passwd
IFS=':' read f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 < /etc/passwd

Bash scans each word for the characters '*', '?', and '[', unless the -f (set -f) option has been set


match found && nullglob disabled

the word is regarded as a pattern

no match found && nullglob disabled

the word is left unchanged

no match found && nullglob set

the word is removed

no match found && failglob set

show error msg and cmd won't be exectued

nocaseglob enabled

patten match case insensitive

set -o noglob or set -f

* will not be expanded

shopt -s dotglob

* will including all .*. see zip package with dot-file


a=apple      # a simple variable
arr=(apple)  # an indexed array with a single element




variables are expanded inside ""




variables are not expanded inside ''




'' has no special meaning inside ""




"" is treated literally inside ''




can not escape a ' within ''; use "'" or $'\'' (ANSI-C quoting)




$arocks does not expand $a; use ${a}rocks to preserve $a




$ followed by no variable name evaluates to $




\ has no special meaning inside ''




\' is interpreted inside "" but has no significance for '




\" is interpreted inside ""




glob does not work inside "" or ''




and have no special meaning inside "" or ''; use ANSI-C quoting


"echo hi"


`` and $() are evaluated inside "" (backquotes are retained in actual output)


'echo hi'

echo` hi

`` and $() are not evaluated inside '' (backquotes are retained in actual output)




array access not possible inside ''




array access works inside ""




single quotes can be escaped inside ANSI-C quoting




ANSI-C quoting is not interpreted inside ""




history expansion character '!' is ignored inside ''



cmd args

expands to the most recent command matching "cmd"




history expansion character '!' is ignored inside ANSI-C quotes

ternary arithmetic


  • string

    $ [[ '.' = '.' ]] && path='.' || path='--'
    $ echo $path
    $ [[ '.' = '-' ]] && path='.' || path='--'
    $ echo $path
  • mathematical operation

    $ (( 3 == 3 ? (var=1) : (var=0) ))
    $ echo $var
    $ (( 3 == 1 ? (var=1) : (var=0) ))
    $ echo $var

# exclude 7 from 1-10
$ echo test-{{1..6},{8..10}}
test-1 test-2 test-3 test-4 test-5 test-6 test-8 test-9 test-10

scp multipule folder/file to target server

$ scp -r $(echo dir{1..10}) user@target.server:/target/server/path/

$ echo 00{1..9} 0{10..99} 100
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100

$ dec2bin=({0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1})
$ echo ${dec2bin[1]}
$ echo ${dec2bin[0]}
$ echo ${dec2bin[255]}

$ month=("Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec")
$ echo ${month[5]}

$ echo {10..0..2}
10 8 6 4 2 0
$ echo {1..100..3}
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 100

fast copy or moving or something (detials -> brace expansion)

  • example 1:

    $ ls | grep foo
    $ touch foo{1,2,3}
    $ ls | grep foo
  • example 2

    $ ls | grep foo
    $ touch foo-{a..d}
    $ ls | grep foo
  • example 3

    $ ls foo-*
    foo-a  foo-b  foo-c  foo-d
    $ mv foo-{a,}
    $ ls foo-*
    foo-a  foo-b  foo-c  foo-d
  • example 4

    $ mkdir -p test/{a,b,c,d}
    $ tree test/
    ├── a
    ├── b
    ├── c
    └── d
    4 directories, 0 files

multiple directories creation

$ mkdir sa{1..50}
$ mkdir -p sa{1..50}/sax{1..50}
$ mkdir {a-z}12345
$ mkdir {1,2,3}
$ mkdir test{01..10}
$ mkdir -p `date '+%y%m%d'`/{1,2,3}
$ mkdir -p $USER/{1,2,3}

copy single file to multipule folders

$ echo dir1 dir2 dir3 | xargs -n 1 cp file1

# or
$ echo dir{1..10} | xargs -n 1 cp file1

pipe and stdin

  • to multiple variables

$ IFS=' ,' read -r x y z <<< "255, 100, 147"
$ echo "x - $x; y - $y; z - $z"
x - 255; y - 100; z - 147
  • to array

    $ IFS=' ,' read -r -a arr <<< "255, 100, 147"
    $ echo "0 - ${arr[0]}; 1 - ${arr[1]}; 2 - ${arr[2]}"
    0 - 255; 1 - 100; 2 - 147
  • every single char to array including spaces


    • tricky of sed

      $ echo "255, 100, 147" | sed $'s/./&\v/g'
    $ IFS=$'\v' read -ra arr <<<"$(echo "255, 100, 147" | sed $'s/./&\v/g')"
    $ for k in "${!arr[@]}"; do echo "$k -- ${arr[$k]}"; done
    0 -- 2
    1 -- 5
    2 -- 5
    3 -- ,
    4 --
    5 -- 1
    6 -- 0
    7 -- 0
    8 -- ,
    9 --
    10 -- 1
    11 -- 4
    12 -- 7
    # or using printf
    $ for k in "${!arr[@]}"; do printf "%02s - %s;\n" "$k" "${arr[$k]}"; done
    00 - 2;
    01 - 5;
    02 - 5;
    03 - ,;
    04 -  ;
    05 - 1;
    06 - 0;
    07 - 0;
    08 - ,;
    09 -  ;
    10 - 1;
    11 - 4;
    12 - 7;

read stdin from pipe


# with IFS
$ echo '   hello  world   ' | { IFS='' read msg; echo "${msg}"; } | tr ' ' '.'
$ echo '   hello  world   ' | { IFS='' read msg; echo "${msg}" | sed -e 's/^[[:blank:]]*//;s/[[:blank:]]*$//'; } | tr ' ' '.'

# without IFS
$ echo '   hello  world   ' | { read msg; echo "${msg}"; } | tr ' ' '.'

read -r var ( for command | trim )

  • script as command line

    $ cat
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    trim() {
      echo "$@" | sed -e 's/^[[:blank:]]*//;s/[[:blank:]]*$//'
    IFS='' read -r myvar
    trim "${myvar}"
    • result

      $ IFS=''
      $ s='   aa  bb   '
      $ echo "${s}" | tr ' ' '.'                                              #
      $ echo "${s}" | ./ | tr ' ' '.'                                  #
      $ echo " a | b | c " | awk -F'|' '{print $2}' | tr ' ' '.'              # .b.
      $ echo " a | b | c " | awk -F'|' '{print $2}' | ./ | tr ' ' '.'  # b
  • running inside the script

    $ cat
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    trim() {
      IFS='' read -r str
      echo "${str}" | sed -e 's/^[[:blank:]]*//;s/[[:blank:]]*$//'
    s='   aa  bb   '
    echo "${s}" | tr ' ' '.'
    echo "${s}" | trim | tr ' ' '.'
    • result

      $ ./
  • another trim solution for leading and trailing spaces

    trim() {
      local var="$*"
      var="${var#"${var%%[![:space:]]*}"}"        # remove leading whitespace characters
      var="${var%"${var##*[![:space:]]}"}"        # remove trailing whitespace characters
      printf '%s' "$var"



start a history substitution


refer to command line n


refer to the command n lines back


refer to the previous command


refer to the most recent command preceding the current position in the history list starting with string


refer to the most recent command preceding the current position in the history list containing string.


!!:s^string1^string2^ quick substitution. repeat the last command, replacing string1 with string2


the entire command line typed so far



designates the preceding command

!!:$ or !$

designates the last argument of the preceding command


designates the second argument of the most recent command starting with the letters fi

$_ VS. !$



  • if the invoking application doesn't pass a _ environment variable, the invoked bash shell will initialise $_ to the argv[0] it receives itself which could be bash

  • i.e.

    $ env | grep '^_='
    # or
    $ env bash -c 'echo "$_"'
  • !$




~/foo: $HOME/foo



~+/foo: $PWD/foo


dirs +N



dirs +N



dirs -N


# prepare
$ mkdir -p a/b/c/d
$ cd a && pushd .
$ cd b && pushd .
$ cd c && pushd .
$ cd d && pushd .

# result
$ dirs -v
 0  ~/a/b/c/d
 1  ~/a/b/c/d
 2  ~/a/b/c
 3  ~/a/b
 4  ~/a

$ echo $(dirs -1)
$ echo $(dirs -2)
$ echo $(dirs -3)



expands to the positional parameters, starting from one. when the expansion occurs within double quotes, it expands to a single word with the value of each parameter separated by the first character of the ifs special variable.


expands to the positional parameters, starting from one. when the expansion occurs within double quotes, each parameter expands to a separate word.


expands to the number of positional parameters in decimal.


expands to the exit status of the most recently executed foreground pipeline.


a hyphen expands to the current option flags as specified upon invocation, by the set built-in command, or those set by the shell itself (such as the -i).


expands to the process id of the shell.


expands to the process id of the most recently executed background (asynchronous) command.


expands to the name of the shell or shell script.


the underscore variable is set at shell startup and contains the absolute file name of the shell or script being executed as passed in the argument list. subsequently, it expands to the last argument to the previous command, after expansion. it is also set to the full pathname of each command executed and placed in the environment exported to that command. when checking mail, this parameter holds the name of the mail file.

$* vs. $@:

  • The implementation of "$*" has always been a problem and realistically should have been replaced with the behavior of "$@".

  • In almost every case where coders use "$*", they mean "$@".

  • "$*" Can cause bugs and even security holes in your software.

Last updated