
list all user commits history with line changes

$ git log ${GIT_OPT} --author="marslo" --oneline --shortstat [--no-merges]


[!TIP] within time slots : --after="2021-01-01" --before="2022-01-01"

GIT_OPT='--after="2021-01-01" --before="2022-01-01"'

total commits

$ git shortlog -s -n ${GIT_OPT} | awk '{ sum += $1; } END { print sum; }'

user commits

$ git shortlog -sn ${GIT_OPT}
   101   marslo

# or with email
$ git shortlog -sne ${GIT_OPT}
   101   marslo <>

# or specific account only
$ git shortlog -sne ${GIT_OPT} --author='marslo'
   101   marslo <>

# or via `rev-list --count`
$ git rev-list HEAD ${GIT_OPT} --author='marslo' --count

line changes

[!NOTE] references:

full history

$ git ls-files -z |
      xargs -0n1 git blame -w |
      perl -n -e '/^.*?\((.*?)\s+[\d]{4}/; print $1,"\n"' |
      sort -f |
      uniq -c |
      sort -nr

# or using sed instead of perl
$ git ls-files -z |
      xargs -0n1 git blame -w -C |
      sed -r 's/^[^(]+\((.*) [0-9]{4}-.*/\1/' |
      sed -r 's/ +$//' |
      sort -f |
      uniq -c |
      sort -nr

total changes

$ git log ${GIT_OPT} --numstat  --pretty=tformat: |
  grep -v '^-' |
  awk '{ add+=$1; remove+=$2; loc += $1 - $2 } END \
       { printf ".. added: %s, removed: %s, total: %s .", add, remove, loc }'
.. added: 18111, removed: 11153, total: 6958 .

# or :
$ git log ${GIT_OPT} --pretty=format:'' --numstat --author |
  awk 'NF' |
  awk '{insertions+=$1; deletions+=$2} END \
       {print NR, "files changed,", insertions, "insertions(+),", deletions, "deletions(+)"}';

# or :
$ git log --shortstat  ${GIT_OPT} --author 'marslo' |
      grep "files\? changed" |
      awk '{files+=$1; inserted+=$4; deleted+=$6} END \
           {print ".. files changed :", files, "; lines inserted :", inserted, "; lines deleted :", deleted , ";"}'
.. files changed : 1046 ; lines inserted : 14096 ; lines deleted : 8871 ;

# or
$ git log --shortstat ${GIT_OPT} --author='marslo' --oneline  --format=tformat: |
      awk '{ files+=$1; inserted+=$4; deleted+=$6 } END \
           { print ".. files changed :", files, "\n.. lines inserted :", inserted, "\n.. lines deleted :", deleted }'
.. files changed : 1046
.. lines inserted : 14096
.. lines deleted : 887

# or :
$ git log --author="marslo" --after="2022-01-01" --pretty=tformat: --numstat |
      awk '{ inserted+=$1; deleted+=$2; delta+=$1-$2; ratio=deleted/inserted } END \
           { printf "Commit stats:\n- Lines added (total)....  %s\n- Lines deleted (total)..  %s\n- Total lines (delta)....  %s\n- Add./Del. ratio (1:n)..  1 : %s\n", inserted, deleted, delta, ratio  }' -
Commit stats:
- Lines added (total)....  14090
- Lines deleted (total)..  8877
- Total lines (delta)....  5213
- Add./Del. ratio (1:n)..  1 : 0.630021

user changes

$ git log "${GIT_OPT}" --author='marslo' --numstat  --pretty=tformat: |
  grep -v '^-' |
  awk '{ add+=$1; remove+=$2; loc += $1 - $2 } END { printf ".. added: %s, removed: %s, total: %s .", add, remove, loc }'
.. added: 14090, removed: 8877, total: 5213 .

file changes


# linux
$ git log --pretty=format: --name-only | sed '/^\s*$/d' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rg | head -100
# windows
$ git log --pretty=format: --name-only | sort | uniq -c | sort /R | head -100




$ gem install nova_git_stats
$ /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.3.0/gems/nova_git_stats-2.4.1/bin/git_stats generate -o stats


$ npm config set strict-ssl false

$ npm i -g git-stats
(node:2823) Warning: Setting the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED environment variable to '0' makes TLS connections and HTTPS requests insecure by disabling certificate verification.
/usr/local/bin/git-stats -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/git-stats/bin/git-stats
> git-stats@3.1.1 postinstall /usr/local/lib/node_modules/git-stats
> node scripts/migration/2.0.0.js
+ git-stats@3.1.1
added 100 packages from 57 contributors in 15.748s
# or
$ sudo ln -sf "$(npm root -g)"/git-stats/bin/git-stats /usr/local/bin/git-stats

# optional
$ npm i -g git-stats-importer
$ npm i -g git-stats-html         # usage $ git-stats --raw | git-stats-html -o out.html
$ npm i -g pageres-cli            # usage $ pageres out.html 775x250

$ curl -sk | bash
Setting up git-stats hooks.
Set new global git template dir at /Users/marslo/.git-templates
Successfully set up git-stats hook at /Users/marslo/.git-templates/hooks/post-commit.

# install
$ pip install git-fame

# completion
# osx
$ curl -fsSL \
       -o /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/git-fame_completion.bash
# linux
$ sudo curl -fsSL \
            -o /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/git-fame_completion.bash
# centos only
$ sudo curl -fsSL \
            -o /etc/bash_completion.d/git-fame_completion.bash

# usage
vim $ git fame --cost hour,month --since='5 days ago'
    Processing: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 10.02repo/s]
    Total commits: 23
    Total ctimes: 133
    Total files: 133
    Total hours: 28.3
    Total loc: 1838
    Total months: 5.5
    | Author             |   hrs |   mths |   loc |   coms |   fils |  distribution   |
    | dkearns            |     2 |      2 |   658 |      3 |     20 | 35.8/13.0/15.0  |
    | lilydjwg           |     3 |      1 |   325 |      2 |     15 | 17.7/ 8.7/11.3  |
    | Christian Brabandt |     4 |      1 |   300 |      6 |     46 | 16.3/26.1/34.6  |
    | zeertzjq           |     2 |      1 |   176 |      3 |     19 | 9.6/13.0/14.3   |
    | Sergey Vlasov      |     2 |      0 |   126 |      1 |      9 | 6.9/ 4.3/ 6.8   |
    | Casey Tucker       |     2 |      0 |    83 |      1 |     11 | 4.5/ 4.3/ 8.3   |
    | thinca             |     2 |      0 |    61 |      1 |      4 | 3.3/ 4.3/ 3.0   |
    | kawaii-Code        |     2 |      0 |    32 |      1 |      2 | 1.7/ 4.3/ 1.5   |
    | user202729         |     2 |      0 |    28 |      1 |      1 | 1.5/ 4.3/ 0.8   |
    | VanaIgr            |     2 |      0 |    18 |      1 |      3 | 1.0/ 4.3/ 2.3   |
    | h_east             |     2 |      0 |    16 |      1 |      1 | 0.9/ 4.3/ 0.8   |
    | Melker Ulander     |     2 |      0 |    11 |      1 |      1 | 0.6/ 4.3/ 0.8   |
    | gi1242             |     2 |      0 |     4 |      1 |      1 | 0.2/ 4.3/ 0.8   |


vim $ git user-stats --since="4 days ago"
    Email                           Commits     Files       Insertions  Deletions   Total Lines
    -----                           -------     -----       ----------  ---------   -----------            2           72          439         409         848        1           6           483         83          566  3           19          200         31          231               1           5           87          6           93                   2           5           93          0           93                1           1           12          7           19         1           2           13          1           14                1           1           4           7           11            1           1           2           2           4       1           1           1           1           2
  • install

    $ curl -o /path/to/bin/git-user-stats -fsSL
    # i.e.:
    $ curl -o ~/.marslo/bin/git-user-stats \





$ git effort --above 15 devops/*
  path                            commits    active days
  devops/git..................... 111         88
  devops/ 42          27
  devops/ 34          16
  devops/ 16          15

$ git effort -- --since='3 months ago'
  path                                                                                                    commits    active days
  devops/ 34          16
  vim/ 26          17
  vim/ 21          14
  linux/ 17          15 16          9
  linux/ 15          14
  linux/ 14          9
  devops/ 14          10
  cheatsheet/bash/ 14          13
  cheatsheet/character/ 13          9
  osx/ 12          9
  devops/git/ 11          10
  linux/ 9           7
  virtualization/kubernetes/ 8           7
  vim/ 8           8


$ git summary --line
 project     : mbook
 lines       : 114620
 authors     :
 114563 marslo             100.0%
     40 Not Committed Yet  0.0%
     17 marslojiao         0.0%

$ git log --pretty=format:"%H" --since='3 months ago' | tail -1
$ git summary 435c4f75edb840a5f2c10991fc1d072eb4f51e50..

 project     : mbook
 repo age    : 3 years, 4 months
 branch:     : marslo
 last active : 11 minutes ago
 active on   : 56 days
 commits     : 130
 uncommitted : 1
 authors     :
   130  marslo  100.0%


$ git count

# or
$ git count --all
marslo (871)
marslojiao (1)

total 872


$ git guilt $(git log --since="3 weeks ago" --format="%H" | tail -1) HEAD
marslo                        ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(122886)

[!NOTE] modified from git-guilt to show the line changes per file

$ git victim $(git log --since="3 weeks ago" --format="%H" | tail -1) HEAD
docs/linux/                                                                   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(643)
docs/linux/                                                                   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(381)
docs/linux/util/files    218 docs/linux/util/files&                   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(218)
docs/linux/util/files    172 books/linux/files&                       +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(172)
docs/linux/ubuntu/                                                             +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(89)
docs/cheatsheet/bash/                                                          +++++++++++++++++++++++++(56)
docs/linux/ubuntu/                                                             ++(8)


  • git shortlog

    vim $ git shortlog -sne | head -5
         16563  Bram Moolenaar <>
           332  Yegappan Lakshmanan <>
           330  zeertzjq <>
           273  Christian Brabandt <>
           106  K.Takata <>
    vim $ git shortlog -s -n
         16566   Bram Moolenaar
           343   Yegappan Lakshmanan
           330   zeertzjq
           273   Christian Brabandt
           106   K.Takata
            73   Dominique Pelle
    vim $ git shortlog -s -n --since='1 week ago'
             4   Christian Brabandt
             3   Restorer
             3   Sean Dewar
             2   dkearns
             1   Andrea C from The App
             1   Anton Sharonov
             1   Antonio Giovanni Colombo
    vim $ git log --pretty=format:%ae |
          gawk -- '{ ++c[$0]; } END { for(cc in c) printf "%5d %s\n",c[cc],cc; }' |
          sort -k1 -nr |
          head -5
    $ git ls-files |
          while read f; do git blame -w -M -C -C --line-porcelain "$f" | grep -I '^author '; done |
          sort -f |
          uniq -ic |
          sort -n --reverse
    $ git log --pretty=format:%an \
      | awk '{ ++c[$0]; } END { for(cc in c) printf "%5d %s\n",c[cc],cc; }'\
      | sort -r


Last updated

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