foreground colors
background colors
text styling
quick show colors:
tools and basic grammar
escape sequence
start |
| |
start |
| - | x cannot be capital |
end |
| |
end |
| 0 is appended if you omit it |
from rgb
rgb to hex
rgb to 256colors
from rgba
to rgb
from 256 colors
256color to hex
from hex
hex to rgb
ansi colors
xterm color code
RGB colors
say() { echo "$@" | sed -e "s/((@(red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white|reset|b|u))+)[[]{2}(.*)[]]{2}/\1\4@reset/g" -e "s/@red/$(tput setaf 1)/g" -e "s/@green/$(tput setaf 2)/g" -e "s/@yellow/$(tput setaf 3)/g" -e "s/@blue/$(tput setaf 4)/g" -e "s/@magenta/$(tput setaf 5)/g" -e "s/@cyan/$(tput setaf 6)/g" -e "s/@white/$(tput setaf 7)/g" -e "s/@reset/$(tput sgr0)/g" -e "s/@b/$(tput bold)/g" -e "s/@u/$(tput sgr 0 1)/g" }
$ say @b@green[[Success]] $ say @b@yellowWARNING @red..message..
256 color table
256 colors
solarized color
color names
xterm 256 colors chart
256 colors cheat sheet
0 | black Black (SYSTEM) |
| rgb(0,0,0) | hsl(0,0%,0%) |
1 | red Maroon (SYSTEM) |
| rgb(128,0,0) | hsl(0,100%,25%) |
2 | green Green (SYSTEM) |
| rgb(0,128,0) | hsl(120,100%,25%) |
3 | yellow Olive (SYSTEM) |
| rgb(128,128,0) | hsl(60,100%,25%) |
4 | blue Navy (SYSTEM) |
| rgb(0,0,128) | hsl(240,100%,25%) |
5 | magenta Purple (SYSTEM) |
| rgb(128,0,128) | hsl(300,100%,25%) |
6 | cyan Teal (SYSTEM) |
| rgb(0,128,128) | hsl(180,100%,25%) |
7 | light_gray Silver (SYSTEM) |
| rgb(192,192,192) | hsl(0,0%,75%) |
8 | dark_gray Grey (SYSTEM) |
| rgb(128,128,128) | hsl(0,0%,50%) |
9 | light_red Red (SYSTEM) |
| rgb(255,0,0) | hsl(0,100%,50%) |
10 | light_green Lime (SYSTEM) |
| rgb(0,255,0) | hsl(120,100%,50%) |
11 | light_yellow Yellow (SYSTEM) |
| rgb(255,255,0) | hsl(60,100%,50%) |
12 | light_blue Blue (SYSTEM) |
| rgb(0,0,255) | hsl(240,100%,50%) |
13 | light_magenta Fuchsia (SYSTEM) |
| rgb(255,0,255) | hsl(300,100%,50%) |
14 | light_cyan Aqua (SYSTEM) |
| rgb(0,255,255) | hsl(180,100%,50%) |
15 | white White (SYSTEM) |
| rgb(255,255,255) | hsl(0,0%,100%) |
16 | grey_0 Grey0 |
| rgb(0,0,0) | hsl(0,0%,0%) |
17 | navy_blue NavyBlue |
| rgb(0,0,95) | hsl(240,100%,18%) |
18 | dark_blue DarkBlue |
| rgb(0,0,135) | hsl(240,100%,26%) |
19 | blue_3a Blue3 |
| rgb(0,0,175) | hsl(240,100%,34%) |
20 | blue_3b Blue3 |
| rgb(0,0,215) | hsl(240,100%,42%) |
21 | blue_1 Blue1 |
| rgb(0,0,255) | hsl(240,100%,50%) |
22 | dark_green DarkGreen |
| rgb(0,95,0) | hsl(120,100%,18%) |
23 | deep_sky_blue_4a DeepSkyBlue4 |
| rgb(0,95,95) | hsl(180,100%,18%) |
24 | deep_sky_blue_4b DeepSkyBlue4 |
| rgb(0,95,135) | hsl(97,100%,26%) |
25 | deep_sky_blue_4c DeepSkyBlue4 |
| rgb(0,95,175) | hsl(07,100%,34%) |
26 | dodger_blue_3 DodgerBlue3 |
| rgb(0,95,215) | hsl(13,100%,42%) |
27 | dodger_blue_2 DodgerBlue2 |
| rgb(0,95,255) | hsl(17,100%,50%) |
28 | green_4 Green4 |
| rgb(0,135,0) | hsl(120,100%,26%) |
29 | spring_green_4 SpringGreen4 |
| rgb(0,135,95) | hsl(62,100%,26%) |
30 | turquoise_4 Turquoise4 |
| rgb(0,135,135) | hsl(180,100%,26%) |
31 | deep_sky_blue_3a DeepSkyBlue3 |
| rgb(0,135,175) | hsl(93,100%,34%) |
32 | deep_sky_blue_3b DeepSkyBlue3 |
| rgb(0,135,215) | hsl(02,100%,42%) |
33 | dodger_blue_1 DodgerBlue1 |
| rgb(0,135,255) | hsl(08,100%,50%) |
34 | green_3a Green3 |
| rgb(0,175,0) | hsl(120,100%,34%) |
35 | spring_green_3a SpringGreen3 |
| rgb(0,175,95) | hsl(52,100%,34%) |
36 | dark_cyan DarkCyan |
| rgb(0,175,135) | hsl(66,100%,34%) |
37 | light_sea_green LightSeaGreen |
| rgb(0,175,175) | hsl(180,100%,34%) |
38 | deep_sky_blue_2 DeepSkyBlue2 |
| rgb(0,175,215) | hsl(91,100%,42%) |
39 | deep_sky_blue_1 DeepSkyBlue1 |
| rgb(0,175,255) | hsl(98,100%,50%) |
40 | green_3b Green3 |
| rgb(0,215,0) | hsl(120,100%,42%) |
41 | spring_green_3b SpringGreen3 |
| rgb(0,215,95) | hsl(46,100%,42%) |
42 | spring_green_2a SpringGreen2 |
| rgb(0,215,135) | hsl(57,100%,42%) |
43 | cyan_3 Cyan3 |
| rgb(0,215,175) | hsl(68,100%,42%) |
44 | dark_turquoise DarkTurquoise |
| rgb(0,215,215) | hsl(180,100%,42%) |
45 | turquoise_2 Turquoise2 |
| rgb(0,215,255) | hsl(89,100%,50%) |
46 | green_1 Green1 |
| rgb(0,255,0) | hsl(120,100%,50%) |
47 | spring_green_2b SpringGreen2 |
| rgb(0,255,95) | hsl(42,100%,50%) |
48 | spring_green_1 SpringGreen1 |
| rgb(0,255,135) | hsl(51,100%,50%) |
49 | medium_spring_green MediumSpringGreen |
| rgb(0,255,175) | hsl(61,100%,50%) |
50 | cyan_2 Cyan2 |
| rgb(0,255,215) | hsl(70,100%,50%) |
51 | cyan_1 Cyan1 |
| rgb(0,255,255) | hsl(180,100%,50%) |
52 | dark_red_1 DarkRed |
| rgb(95,0,0) | hsl(0,100%,18%) |
53 | deep_pink_4a DeepPink4 |
| rgb(95,0,95) | hsl(300,100%,18%) |
54 | purple_4a Purple4 |
| rgb(95,0,135) | hsl(82,100%,26%) |
55 | purple_4b Purple4 |
| rgb(95,0,175) | hsl(72,100%,34%) |
56 | purple_3 Purple3 |
| rgb(95,0,215) | hsl(66,100%,42%) |
57 | blue_violet BlueViolet |
| rgb(95,0,255) | hsl(62,100%,50%) |
58 | orange_4a Orange4 |
| rgb(95,95,0) | hsl(60,100%,18%) |
59 | grey_37 Grey37 |
| rgb(95,95,95) | hsl(0,0%,37%) |
60 | medium_purple_4 MediumPurple4 |
| rgb(95,95,135) | hsl(240,17%,45%) |
61 | slate_blue_3a SlateBlue3 |
| rgb(95,95,175) | hsl(240,33%,52%) |
62 | slate_blue_3b SlateBlue3 |
| rgb(95,95,215) | hsl(240,60%,60%) |
63 | royal_blue_1 RoyalBlue1 |
| rgb(95,95,255) | hsl(240,100%,68%) |
64 | chartreuse_4 Chartreuse4 |
| rgb(95,135,0) | hsl(7,100%,26%) |
65 | dark_sea_green_4a DarkSeaGreen4 |
| rgb(95,135,95) | hsl(120,17%,45%) |
66 | pale_turquoise_4 PaleTurquoise4 |
| rgb(95,135,135) | hsl(180,17%,45%) |
67 | steel_blue SteelBlue |
| rgb(95,135,175) | hsl(210,33%,52%) |
68 | steel_blue_3 SteelBlue3 |
| rgb(95,135,215) | hsl(220,60%,60%) |
69 | cornflower_blue CornflowerBlue |
| rgb(95,135,255) | hsl(225,100%,68%) |
70 | chartreuse_3a Chartreuse3 |
| rgb(95,175,0) | hsl(7,100%,34%) |
71 | dark_sea_green_4b DarkSeaGreen4 |
| rgb(95,175,95) | hsl(120,33%,52%) |
72 | cadet_blue_2 CadetBlue |
| rgb(95,175,135) | hsl(150,33%,52%) |
73 | cadet_blue_1 CadetBlue |
| rgb(95,175,175) | hsl(180,33%,52%) |
74 | sky_blue_3 SkyBlue3 |
| rgb(95,175,215) | hsl(200,60%,60%) |
75 | steel_blue_1a SteelBlue1 |
| rgb(95,175,255) | hsl(210,100%,68%) |
76 | chartreuse_3b Chartreuse3 |
| rgb(95,215,0) | hsl(3,100%,42%) |
77 | pale_green_3a PaleGreen3 |
| rgb(95,215,95) | hsl(120,60%,60%) |
78 | sea_green_3 SeaGreen3 |
| rgb(95,215,135) | hsl(140,60%,60%) |
79 | aquamarine_3 Aquamarine3 |
| rgb(95,215,175) | hsl(160,60%,60%) |
80 | medium_turquoise MediumTurquoise |
| rgb(95,215,215) | hsl(180,60%,60%) |
81 | steel_blue_1b SteelBlue1 |
| rgb(95,215,255) | hsl(195,100%,68%) |
82 | chartreuse_2a Chartreuse2 |
| rgb(95,255,0) | hsl(7,100%,50%) |
83 | sea_green_2 SeaGreen2 |
| rgb(95,255,95) | hsl(120,100%,68%) |
84 | sea_green_1a SeaGreen1 |
| rgb(95,255,135) | hsl(135,100%,68%) |
85 | sea_green_1b SeaGreen1 |
| rgb(95,255,175) | hsl(150,100%,68%) |
86 | aquamarine_1a Aquamarine1 |
| rgb(95,255,215) | hsl(165,100%,68%) |
87 | dark_slate_gray_2 DarkSlateGray2 |
| rgb(95,255,255) | hsl(180,100%,68%) |
88 | dark_red_2 DarkRed |
| rgb(135,0,0) | hsl(0,100%,26%) |
89 | deep_pink_4b DeepPink4 |
| rgb(135,0,95) | hsl(17,100%,26%) |
90 | dark_magenta_1 DarkMagenta |
| rgb(135,0,135) | hsl(300,100%,26%) |
91 | dark_magenta_2 DarkMagenta |
| rgb(135,0,175) | hsl(86,100%,34%) |
92 | dark_violet_1a DarkViolet |
| rgb(135,0,215) | hsl(77,100%,42%) |
93 | purple_1a Purple |
| rgb(135,0,255) | hsl(71,100%,50%) |
94 | orange_4b Orange4 |
| rgb(135,95,0) | hsl(2,100%,26%) |
95 | light_pink_4 LightPink4 |
| rgb(135,95,95) | hsl(0,17%,45%) |
96 | plum_4 Plum4 |
| rgb(135,95,135) | hsl(300,17%,45%) |
97 | medium_purple_3a MediumPurple3 |
| rgb(135,95,175) | hsl(270,33%,52%) |
98 | medium_purple_3b MediumPurple3 |
| rgb(135,95,215) | hsl(260,60%,60%) |
99 | slate_blue_1 SlateBlue1 |
| rgb(135,95,255) | hsl(255,100%,68%) |
100 | yellow_4a Yellow4 |
| rgb(135,135,0) | hsl(60,100%,26%) |
101 | wheat_4 Wheat4 |
| rgb(135,135,95) | hsl(60,17%,45%) |
102 | grey_53 Grey53 |
| rgb(135,135,135) | hsl(0,0%,52%) |
103 | light_slate_grey LightSlateGrey |
| rgb(135,135,175) | hsl(240,20%,60%) |
104 | medium_purple MediumPurple |
| rgb(135,135,215) | hsl(240,50%,68%) |
105 | light_slate_blue LightSlateBlue |
| rgb(135,135,255) | hsl(240,100%,76%) |
106 | yellow_4b Yellow4 |
| rgb(135,175,0) | hsl(3,100%,34%) |
107 | dark_olive_green_3a DarkOliveGreen3 |
| rgb(135,175,95) | hsl(90,33%,52%) |
108 | dark_green_sea DarkSeaGreen |
| rgb(135,175,135) | hsl(120,20%,60%) |
109 | light_sky_blue_3a LightSkyBlue3 |
| rgb(135,175,175) | hsl(180,20%,60%) |
110 | light_sky_blue_3b LightSkyBlue3 |
| rgb(135,175,215) | hsl(210,50%,68%) |
111 | sky_blue_2 SkyBlue2 |
| rgb(135,175,255) | hsl(220,100%,76%) |
112 | chartreuse_2b Chartreuse2 |
| rgb(135,215,0) | hsl(2,100%,42%) |
113 | dark_olive_green_3b DarkOliveGreen3 |
| rgb(135,215,95) | hsl(100,60%,60%) |
114 | pale_green_3b PaleGreen3 |
| rgb(135,215,135) | hsl(120,50%,68%) |
115 | dark_sea_green_3a DarkSeaGreen3 |
| rgb(135,215,175) | hsl(150,50%,68%) |
116 | dark_slate_gray_3 DarkSlateGray3 |
| rgb(135,215,215) | hsl(180,50%,68%) |
117 | sky_blue_1 SkyBlue1 |
| rgb(135,215,255) | hsl(200,100%,76%) |
118 | chartreuse_1 Chartreuse1 |
| rgb(135,255,0) | hsl(8,100%,50%) |
119 | light_green_2 LightGreen |
| rgb(135,255,95) | hsl(105,100%,68%) |
120 | light_green_3 LightGreen |
| rgb(135,255,135) | hsl(120,100%,76%) |
121 | pale_green_1a PaleGreen1 |
| rgb(135,255,175) | hsl(140,100%,76%) |
122 | aquamarine_1b Aquamarine1 |
| rgb(135,255,215) | hsl(160,100%,76%) |
123 | dark_slate_gray_1 DarkSlateGray1 |
| rgb(135,255,255) | hsl(180,100%,76%) |
124 | red_3a Red3 |
| rgb(175,0,0) | hsl(0,100%,34%) |
125 | deep_pink_4c DeepPink4 |
| rgb(175,0,95) | hsl(27,100%,34%) |
126 | medium_violet_red MediumVioletRed |
| rgb(175,0,135) | hsl(13,100%,34%) |
127 | magenta_3a Magenta3 |
| rgb(175,0,175) | hsl(300,100%,34%) |
128 | dark_violet_1b DarkViolet |
| rgb(175,0,215) | hsl(88,100%,42%) |
129 | purple_1b Purple |
| rgb(175,0,255) | hsl(81,100%,50%) |
130 | dark_orange_3a DarkOrange3 |
| rgb(175,95,0) | hsl(2,100%,34%) |
131 | indian_red_1a IndianRed |
| rgb(175,95,95) | hsl(0,33%,52%) |
132 | hot_pink_3a HotPink3 |
| rgb(175,95,135) | hsl(330,33%,52%) |
133 | medium_orchid_3 MediumOrchid3 |
| rgb(175,95,175) | hsl(300,33%,52%) |
134 | medium_orchid MediumOrchid |
| rgb(175,95,215) | hsl(280,60%,60%) |
135 | medium_purple_2a MediumPurple2 |
| rgb(175,95,255) | hsl(270,100%,68%) |
136 | dark_goldenrod DarkGoldenrod |
| rgb(175,135,0) | hsl(6,100%,34%) |
137 | light_salmon_3a LightSalmon3 |
| rgb(175,135,95) | hsl(30,33%,52%) |
138 | rosy_brown RosyBrown |
| rgb(175,135,135) | hsl(0,20%,60%) |
139 | grey_63 Grey63 |
| rgb(175,135,175) | hsl(300,20%,60%) |
140 | medium_purple_2b MediumPurple2 |
| rgb(175,135,215) | hsl(270,50%,68%) |
141 | medium_purple_1 MediumPurple1 |
| rgb(175,135,255) | hsl(260,100%,76%) |
142 | gold_3a Gold3 |
| rgb(175,175,0) | hsl(60,100%,34%) |
143 | dark_khaki DarkKhaki |
| rgb(175,175,95) | hsl(60,33%,52%) |
144 | navajo_white_3 NavajoWhite3 |
| rgb(175,175,135) | hsl(60,20%,60%) |
145 | grey_69 Grey69 |
| rgb(175,175,175) | hsl(0,0%,68%) |
146 | light_steel_blue_3 LightSteelBlue3 |
| rgb(175,175,215) | hsl(240,33%,76%) |
147 | light_steel_blue LightSteelBlue |
| rgb(175,175,255) | hsl(240,100%,84%) |
148 | yellow_3a Yellow3 |
| rgb(175,215,0) | hsl(1,100%,42%) |
149 | dark_olive_green_3 DarkOliveGreen3 |
| rgb(175,215,95) | hsl(80,60%,60%) |
150 | dark_sea_green_3b DarkSeaGreen3 |
| rgb(175,215,135) | hsl(90,50%,68%) |
151 | dark_sea_green_2 DarkSeaGreen2 |
| rgb(175,215,175) | hsl(120,33%,76%) |
152 | light_cyan_3 LightCyan3 |
| rgb(175,215,215) | hsl(180,33%,76%) |
153 | light_sky_blue_1 LightSkyBlue1 |
| rgb(175,215,255) | hsl(210,100%,84%) |
154 | green_yellow GreenYellow |
| rgb(175,255,0) | hsl(8,100%,50%) |
155 | dark_olive_green_2 DarkOliveGreen2 |
| rgb(175,255,95) | hsl(90,100%,68%) |
156 | pale_green_1b PaleGreen1 |
| rgb(175,255,135) | hsl(100,100%,76%) |
157 | dark_sea_green_5b DarkSeaGreen2 |
| rgb(175,255,175) | hsl(120,100%,84%) |
158 | dark_sea_green_5a DarkSeaGreen1 |
| rgb(175,255,215) | hsl(150,100%,84%) |
159 | pale_turquoise_1 PaleTurquoise1 |
| rgb(175,255,255) | hsl(180,100%,84%) |
160 | red_3b Red3 |
| rgb(215,0,0) | hsl(0,100%,42%) |
161 | deep_pink_3a DeepPink3 |
| rgb(215,0,95) | hsl(33,100%,42%) |
162 | deep_pink_3b DeepPink3 |
| rgb(215,0,135) | hsl(22,100%,42%) |
163 | magenta_3b Magenta3 |
| rgb(215,0,175) | hsl(11,100%,42%) |
164 | magenta_3c Magenta3 |
| rgb(215,0,215) | hsl(300,100%,42%) |
165 | magenta_2a Magenta2 |
| rgb(215,0,255) | hsl(90,100%,50%) |
166 | dark_orange_3b DarkOrange3 |
| rgb(215,95,0) | hsl(6,100%,42%) |
167 | indian_red_1b IndianRed |
| rgb(215,95,95) | hsl(0,60%,60%) |
168 | hot_pink_3b HotPink3 |
| rgb(215,95,135) | hsl(340,60%,60%) |
169 | hot_pink_2 HotPink2 |
| rgb(215,95,175) | hsl(320,60%,60%) |
170 | orchid Orchid |
| rgb(215,95,215) | hsl(300,60%,60%) |
171 | medium_orchid_1a MediumOrchid1 |
| rgb(215,95,255) | hsl(285,100%,68%) |
172 | orange_3 Orange3 |
| rgb(215,135,0) | hsl(7,100%,42%) |
173 | light_salmon_3b LightSalmon3 |
| rgb(215,135,95) | hsl(20,60%,60%) |
174 | light_pink_3 LightPink3 |
| rgb(215,135,135) | hsl(0,50%,68%) |
175 | pink_3 Pink3 |
| rgb(215,135,175) | hsl(330,50%,68%) |
176 | plum_3 Plum3 |
| rgb(215,135,215) | hsl(300,50%,68%) |
177 | violet Violet |
| rgb(215,135,255) | hsl(280,100%,76%) |
178 | gold_3b Gold3 |
| rgb(215,175,0) | hsl(8,100%,42%) |
179 | light_goldenrod_3 LightGoldenrod3 |
| rgb(215,175,95) | hsl(40,60%,60%) |
180 | tan Tan |
| rgb(215,175,135) | hsl(30,50%,68%) |
181 | misty_rose_3 MistyRose3 |
| rgb(215,175,175) | hsl(0,33%,76%) |
182 | thistle_3 Thistle3 |
| rgb(215,175,215) | hsl(300,33%,76%) |
183 | plum_2 Plum2 |
| rgb(215,175,255) | hsl(270,100%,84%) |
184 | yellow_3b Yellow3 |
| rgb(215,215,0) | hsl(60,100%,42%) |
185 | khaki_3 Khaki3 |
| rgb(215,215,95) | hsl(60,60%,60%) |
186 | light_goldenrod_2a LightGoldenrod2 |
| rgb(215,215,135) | hsl(60,50%,68%) |
187 | light_yellow_3 LightYellow3 |
| rgb(215,215,175) | hsl(60,33%,76%) |
188 | grey_84 Grey84 |
| rgb(215,215,215) | hsl(0,0%,84%) |
189 | light_steel_blue_1 LightSteelBlue1 |
| rgb(215,215,255) | hsl(240,100%,92%) |
190 | yellow_2 Yellow2 |
| rgb(215,255,0) | hsl(9,100%,50%) |
191 | dark_olive_green_1a DarkOliveGreen1 |
| rgb(215,255,95) | hsl(75,100%,68%) |
192 | dark_olive_green_1b DarkOliveGreen1 |
| rgb(215,255,135) | hsl(80,100%,76%) |
193 | dark_sea_green_1 DarkSeaGreen1 |
| rgb(215,255,175) | hsl(90,100%,84%) |
194 | honeydew_2 Honeydew2 |
| rgb(215,255,215) | hsl(120,100%,92%) |
195 | light_cyan_1 LightCyan1 |
| rgb(215,255,255) | hsl(180,100%,92%) |
196 | red_1 Red1 |
| rgb(255,0,0) | hsl(0,100%,50%) |
197 | deep_pink_2 DeepPink2 |
| rgb(255,0,95) | hsl(37,100%,50%) |
198 | deep_pink_1a DeepPink1 |
| rgb(255,0,135) | hsl(28,100%,50%) |
199 | deep_pink_1b DeepPink1 |
| rgb(255,0,175) | hsl(18,100%,50%) |
200 | magenta_2b Magenta2 |
| rgb(255,0,215) | hsl(09,100%,50%) |
201 | magenta_1 Magenta1 |
| rgb(255,0,255) | hsl(300,100%,50%) |
202 | orange_red_1 OrangeRed1 |
| rgb(255,95,0) | hsl(2,100%,50%) |
203 | indian_red_1c IndianRed1 |
| rgb(255,95,95) | hsl(0,100%,68%) |
204 | indian_red_1d IndianRed1 |
| rgb(255,95,135) | hsl(345,100%,68%) |
205 | hot_pink_1a HotPink |
| rgb(255,95,175) | hsl(330,100%,68%) |
206 | hot_pink_1b HotPink |
| rgb(255,95,215) | hsl(315,100%,68%) |
207 | medium_orchid_1b MediumOrchid1 |
| rgb(255,95,255) | hsl(300,100%,68%) |
208 | dark_orange DarkOrange |
| rgb(255,135,0) | hsl(1,100%,50%) |
209 | salmon_1 Salmon1 |
| rgb(255,135,95) | hsl(15,100%,68%) |
210 | light_coral LightCoral |
| rgb(255,135,135) | hsl(0,100%,76%) |
211 | pale_violet_red_1 PaleVioletRed1 |
| rgb(255,135,175) | hsl(340,100%,76%) |
212 | orchid_2 Orchid2 |
| rgb(255,135,215) | hsl(320,100%,76%) |
213 | orchid_1 Orchid1 |
| rgb(255,135,255) | hsl(300,100%,76%) |
214 | orange_1 Orange1 |
| rgb(255,175,0) | hsl(1,100%,50%) |
215 | sandy_brown SandyBrown |
| rgb(255,175,95) | hsl(30,100%,68%) |
216 | light_salmon_1 LightSalmon1 |
| rgb(255,175,135) | hsl(20,100%,76%) |
217 | light_pink_1 LightPink1 |
| rgb(255,175,175) | hsl(0,100%,84%) |
218 | pink_1 Pink1 |
| rgb(255,175,215) | hsl(330,100%,84%) |
219 | plum_1 Plum1 |
| rgb(255,175,255) | hsl(300,100%,84%) |
220 | gold_1 Gold1 |
| rgb(255,215,0) | hsl(0,100%,50%) |
221 | light_goldenrod_2b LightGoldenrod2 |
| rgb(255,215,95) | hsl(45,100%,68%) |
222 | light_goldenrod_2c LightGoldenrod2 |
| rgb(255,215,135) | hsl(40,100%,76%) |
223 | navajo_white_1 NavajoWhite1 |
| rgb(255,215,175) | hsl(30,100%,84%) |
224 | misty_rose1 MistyRose1 |
| rgb(255,215,215) | hsl(0,100%,92%) |
225 | thistle_1 Thistle1 |
| rgb(255,215,255) | hsl(300,100%,92%) |
226 | yellow_1 Yellow1 |
| rgb(255,255,0) | hsl(60,100%,50%) |
227 | light_goldenrod_1 LightGoldenrod1 |
| rgb(255,255,95) | hsl(60,100%,68%) |
228 | khaki_1 Khaki1 |
| rgb(255,255,135) | hsl(60,100%,76%) |
229 | wheat_1 Wheat1 |
| rgb(255,255,175) | hsl(60,100%,84%) |
230 | cornsilk_1 Cornsilk1 |
| rgb(255,255,215) | hsl(60,100%,92%) |
231 | grey_100 Grey100 |
| rgb(255,255,255) | hsl(0,0%,100%) |
232 | grey_3 Grey3 |
| rgb(8,8,8) | hsl(0,0%,3%) |
233 | grey_7 Grey7 |
| rgb(18,18,18) | hsl(0,0%,7%) |
234 | grey_11 Grey11 |
| rgb(28,28,28) | hsl(0,0%,10%) |
235 | grey_15 Grey15 |
| rgb(38,38,38) | hsl(0,0%,14%) |
236 | grey_19 Grey19 |
| rgb(48,48,48) | hsl(0,0%,18%) |
237 | grey_23 Grey23 |
| rgb(58,58,58) | hsl(0,0%,22%) |
238 | grey_27 Grey27 |
| rgb(68,68,68) | hsl(0,0%,26%) |
239 | grey_30 Grey30 |
| rgb(78,78,78) | hsl(0,0%,30%) |
240 | grey_35 Grey35 |
| rgb(88,88,88) | hsl(0,0%,34%) |
241 | grey_39 Grey39 |
| rgb(98,98,98) | hsl(0,0%,37%) |
242 | grey_42 Grey42 |
| rgb(108,108,108) | hsl(0,0%,40%) |
243 | grey_46 Grey46 |
| rgb(118,118,118) | hsl(0,0%,46%) |
244 | grey_50 Grey50 |
| rgb(128,128,128) | hsl(0,0%,50%) |
245 | grey_54 Grey54 |
| rgb(138,138,138) | hsl(0,0%,54%) |
246 | grey_58 Grey58 |
| rgb(148,148,148) | hsl(0,0%,58%) |
247 | grey_62 Grey62 |
| rgb(158,158,158) | hsl(0,0%,61%) |
248 | grey_66 Grey66 |
| rgb(168,168,168) | hsl(0,0%,65%) |
249 | grey_70 Grey70 |
| rgb(178,178,178) | hsl(0,0%,69%) |
250 | grey_74 Grey74 |
| rgb(188,188,188) | hsl(0,0%,73%) |
251 | grey_78 Grey78 |
| rgb(198,198,198) | hsl(0,0%,77%) |
252 | grey_82 Grey82 |
| rgb(208,208,208) | hsl(0,0%,81%) |
253 | grey_85 Grey85 |
| rgb(218,218,218) | hsl(0,0%,85%) |
254 | grey_89 Grey89 |
| rgb(228,228,228) | hsl(0,0%,89%) |
255 | grey_93 Grey93 |
| rgb(238,238,238) | hsl(0,0%,93%) |
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ansicolor issues in man page
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Last updated