$ vault status
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 5
Threshold 3
Version 1.9.0
Build Date n/a
Storage Type file
Cluster Name vault-cluster-ea2f5821
Cluster ID e034c5c3-53c6-2d38-2adf-e9bbd57ad87c
HA Enabled false
get info
list role type
$ vault auth list
Path Type Accessor Description Version
---- ---- -------- ----------- -------
approle/ approle auth_approle_375212fa n/a n/a
ldap/ ldap auth_ldap_8fc0eb82 n/a n/a
token/ token auth_token_f61ed5a6 token based credentials n/a
list roles
$ vault list auth/approle/role
$ vault path-help devops
Configures settings for the KV store
Write, Patch, Read, and Delete data in the Key-Value Store.
Marks one or more versions as deleted in the KV store.
Permanently removes one or more versions in the KV store
Configures settings for the KV store
Undeletes one or more versions from the KV store.
and more
$ vault path-help sys/mounts
Request: mounts
Matching Route: ^mounts$
This path responds to the following HTTP methods.
Lists all the mounted secret backends.
GET /<mount point>
Get information about the mount at the specified path.
POST /<mount point>
Mount a new secret backend to the mount point in the URL.
POST /<mount point>/tune
Tune configuration parameters for the given mount point.
DELETE /<mount point>
Unmount the specified mount point.