
list projects and properties

$ kwadmin list-projects


create project

$ kwadmin create-project <project_name> [--encoding utf-8]

delete project

$ kwadmin delete-project <project_name>

duplicate project

$ kwadmin duplicate-project <original_name> <new_name>

rename project

$ kwadmin rename-project <project_name> <new_project_name>

project properties

get project properties

$ kwadmin get-project-properties <project_name>

set project properties

$ kwadmin set-project-property <project_name> <property> <value>

project configuration files

Configuration files that you can import into integration projects

list configuration files

$ kwadmin list-config-files <project_name>
  • example

    $ kwadmin list-config-files sample_project
    analysis_profile.pconf (Problems Configuration)
    metrics_default.mconf (Metrics Thresholds)
    kw_override.h (Override File)

list configuration types

$ kwadmin list-config-types
Build Specification Template (.tpl)
User Defined Attributes (.atr)
Source Ownership (.sow)
User Metrics (.ume)
Size of Types (.szt)
User Defined Relationships (.rel)
Taxonomy Configuration (.tconf)
Metrics Thresholds (.mconf)
Override File (.h)
Problems Configuration (.pconf)
Java Function Behavior Knowledge Base (.jkb)
Function Behavior Knowledge Base (.kb)

import configuration files

$ kwadmin import-config <project_name> <file>

delete configuration files

$ kwadmin delete-config <project_name> <file>


list builds

$ kwadmin list-builds <project_name>

delete build

$ kwadmin delete-build <project_name> <build_name>

rename build

$ kwadmin rename-build <project_name> <build_name> <new_build_name>

keep builds by default

$ kwadmin set-project-property <project_name> auto_delete_threshold <nubmers>



specifies the number of builds to save when the auto delete feature is enabled


Used to replace {0} with id, and convert id to a hyperlink


specifies whether Klocwork tables will be copied to projects_root by kwadmin load


project description


changes the way the system displays server issues. By default, desktop issues are shown with grouping off while server issues are shown with grouping on. If you want server issues for a project to persistently show issues with grouping off, change the setting to false.


programming language of the source files in the project


overrides the locale for the project set during project creation. Should only be set before running an integration build analysis with kwbuildproject, so that the language of issue messages and traceback will be consistent in all builds


language encoding of project source files. See kwadmin create-project.

Last updated